Submitted by Intelligent-Sky-2985 t3_yslzfx in vermont

I was wondering if there would be any active antifascists in the Rutland city area to talk to and discuss the f*cked up state of the world right now

Also trying to make an armature folk punk band made primarily of leftists so if you play an instrument that’s cool



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ginguegiskhan t1_ivzvgjk wrote

"Hey fellow kids, any of you gonna get into some antifa shenanigans l8er? Whats yer address"


8valvegrowl t1_ivzp7qj wrote

It's really cool to wind copper around iron, you can do all kinds of neat stuff, like motion and things...


LookDamnBusy t1_iw13j3v wrote

As an electrical engineer, I approve this message 😉


Intelligent-Sky-2985 OP t1_ivzpso5 wrote



AJArcadian t1_iw09dy2 wrote

They are calling out your malapropism.

An "armature" is a part of a generator or electric motor that usually consists of copper coil that rotates around a core composed of a different metal. It's the part that converts electrical energy to kinetic energy and vice versa. You were probably looking for "amateur", which is an adjective describing non-professional engagement in an activity.


Practical-Intern-347 t1_ivzrup4 wrote

My friends were non-conformists, so I became a non-conformist too!


LookDamnBusy t1_ivzsmeu wrote

Define "active anti-fascist".


triptopdropblop t1_ivztk14 wrote

My guess is calling their neighbor, who they’ve never as much as waved at, a nazi because they drove a truck with a bass pro shop sticker on it


LookDamnBusy t1_iw06xar wrote

Apparently the "anti-fascists" are "actively" down-voting you. I thought it was hilarious 😉


MYrobouros t1_ivzt1r3 wrote

I dunno there's probably some GMAC hold out from '09 somewhere in the Panera bread

On a less jokey note, perhaps you'd enjoy the nearest Progressive Party committee?


Azr431 t1_iw0l5ku wrote

Anti fash folk punk?? I’m in


TDGroupie t1_iw0p9yf wrote

I know you now know about your typo, but Armature is a pretty sweet sounding punk/folk band. Roll with that shit!


8valvegrowl t1_ivztc7f wrote

Making a punk band is cool. Been there, didn't have Reddit, just the bus or school lunch.

Discussing politics is fine. The world is pretty fucked up (we don't need to censor here).

Ideas are fine, just have a thick skin and an open mind.


riahbar t1_iw0nao6 wrote

lol im not trying to get murdered


Odd-Farm-3441 t1_ivztaor wrote

I've got a lot of family in Rutland, unfortunately all of the leftists moved away and the rest are Trumpers


Johnny9Toes t1_iw12r3j wrote

I mean, I voted to make slavery illegal, to secure reproductive rights, and mostly for progressives or democrats. Drumpf can get bent. I live in Rutland. So, there's at least one of us pushing against the all Trumpers stereotype.


Odd-Farm-3441 t1_iw12zth wrote

Good, good. The family I have living there are any caricature you could think of as a trump supporter. I don't try and visit


vtsunshine83 t1_iw018q2 wrote

May I ask: If the world is so messed up (and I’m not saying a lot isn’t) how have you tried to change it?


Most_Expert_8080 t1_iw05oat wrote

Why are you here commenting on Reddit and not out curing cancer


TDGroupie t1_iw0q346 wrote

Other than the fact that the OP is actively trying to find other like minded people, I have to let you know your whataboutburger is really overcooked.


RhodesTopGuy t1_iw0koul wrote

You guys looking for Christian events to throw fireworks at and threaten with guns or something?


TDGroupie t1_iw0q841 wrote

Fuck Christians

  • Satan Edit: also everyone else that can think critically.

RhodesTopGuy t1_iw0uyka wrote

No father figure?


TDGroupie t1_iw0wimd wrote

Other than Satan? Nope.


RhodesTopGuy t1_iw0z2jp wrote

Oh you’re an r/politics user, I’d be surprised if you were even a real person


TDGroupie t1_iw15mhk wrote

I’m not, I’m a demon.


RhodesTopGuy t1_iw181yt wrote



TDGroupie t1_iw18ik9 wrote

Ahh how cute, you taddled on me to Reddit. Satan will come and bang your mom tonight for that good deed ;) I might even join him.


BrokenAsFu t1_ivzq60x wrote

Your username says intelligent, but bringing up bias in Vermont says otherwise. Congrats, you just got a black mark from most of us on this sub.


Intelligent-Sky-2985 OP t1_ivzqcbo wrote

Ok cool like I give a signal shit😀


BrokenAsFu t1_ivzqgl4 wrote

You won't last long around here with that kind of attitude.
