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ripiss t1_iw03gi5 wrote

You turn your heat on when it gets cold, hope this helps


SilentUnicorn t1_iw04fse wrote

Need a chart on when to light the wood stove.


zombienutz1 t1_iw05mii wrote

Mine goes on when the temp drops below 60 in the house.


thisoneisnotasbad t1_iw06xct wrote

Mine went on early this year. One of those days that was cold and rainy and I worked outside and was soaked when I came in. I cranked the pellet stove to like 90 and took the chill out of the house and out of my bones pretty quick.


Smirkly t1_iw0cuiz wrote

The question was about New England. While I live in NH I'll jump in. South central and we have not turned it on yet. It hasn't been a problem with the exceptionally mild weather but I do expect next week might do it. One son is rooting for Thanksgiving and I would be fine with that but the other one is already sort of miserable. I'll go with under 60.


go2001 t1_iw0eiud wrote

At $5.60 a gallon maybe -20


MizLucinda t1_iw0fumt wrote

I still have windows open.


randombrosef t1_iw0lrss wrote

Set to 50 and wrapped the windows. Good enough.


CTdadof5 t1_iw0md8x wrote

When you are cold enough to feel you want the heat on.


xiphias__gladius t1_iw0n8h6 wrote

Don't forget to periodically announce to friends and strangers that you still haven't turned your heat on, despite it being date/temperature.


Pongpianskul t1_iw0pc4g wrote

I light up the wood stove when it gets below 60 indoors. It usually just stays on until spring after that. If I have to be away, a propane heater keeps pipes from freezing at around 50 - 55 F.

I would not be happy without the wood - especially during power outages when nothing works in January.


Generic_Commenter-X OP t1_iw0qe52 wrote

Your reaction to this is funnier than the link. Ya'll actually seriously think somebody is asking when to turn the heat on..... all because you don't know how to read a reddit post....


VTCoates t1_iw0qvlo wrote

Northern VT here - lit the woodstove twice but haven’t turned the heat on…yet. Soon though I think!


vociferousgirl t1_iw0wadc wrote

"Sets heat to 65?" What heaven is that!

My "Do not touch that thermostat, 62 degrees is warm enough" mother would hate that.


eloquinees_husband t1_iw101fm wrote

There's really only 1 month of the year we don't have a fire: July. Every other month has at least a day or 2 of running the stove.

And it doesn't matter since fuel will never be too expensive to run the chainsaw. Firewood literally grows on tree.

Flowchart is simple: house too warn? no -> light up the stove.


BurtonFive t1_iw11dnn wrote

I set the thermostat to 70 and don’t touch it until the end of winter.


Smirkly t1_iw14fno wrote

One son is already freezing and the other is defiant. No way, Thanksgiving at least, maybe Christmas. They are in their forties and it is my house so basically whenever I feel cold. Suddenly this week it is twenties at night and low forties in the day. This is as it should be but I live in New Hampshire and I will have heat...eventually.


mijaschi t1_iw1942r wrote

my ac is running at this very moment


Traditional_Lab_5468 t1_iw19lfe wrote

Just set the thermostat to 60. Problem solved.

Or date someone who is perpetually cold, set the thermostat to 60, and have them adjust it to 71.

Either one will keep your pipes from freezing, really.


Traditional_Lab_5468 t1_iw19xd2 wrote

I love how the internet has become this source of weird insecurity for people. "Hmm. When should I turn my heat on? I mean, I feel a little cold, but... I don't know. Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe there are lots of important rules about when to turn my heat on!"

Nah homie, it's OK to just turn it on whenever you get cold. If it's warmer than it needs to be, turn it down a bit. Find what works. It's just a thermostat lol.


Traditional_Lab_5468 t1_iw1ai3b wrote

lol whenever I go to someone's place and they have their thermostat set to 70 I feel like I'm in a sauna. Sneaking into the bathroom to crack the window and cool off lol. It's not like I keep my place super cold either, I keep it at like 65, but for some reason 70 degrees in winter just fucks my body up lol.


Ambitious_Ask_1569 t1_iw1s0q1 wrote

Turn it on at 33 degrees so your pipes don't freeze. Other than that its cheaper to burn your furniture this year.


WantDastardlyBack t1_iw23nav wrote

We locked in at $2.79 and turned the heat on when it hit 58 in the house, and since then it's been on and off several times because of the roller coaster temps. Hilltop Energy for the win!


Gilashot t1_iw26to1 wrote

Whenever I please, because my heap pump runs on pennies and clouds.


ringomanzana t1_iw2aic4 wrote

You turn your heat on when it’s time to scrape that wallpaper.


yahhhguy t1_iw2c9cq wrote

The hardier the neighbor is, the more self sufficient, the gruffer their demeanor, etc etc, the quicker they are to light the wood stove when it gets chilly. It’s an inverse relationship.


Vermonter623 t1_iw2pikr wrote

Thanks for trying to bring some San Francisco culture with you but The only metric natives use is when my girl says it’s cold and then glares at me.


Kink4202 t1_iw2piw9 wrote

VT set a high temperature record, for nov 12, at 3:30 AM. 70 degrees. Per the NW weather center


casewood123 t1_iw2s1tr wrote

The heat comes on when I’m in uncomfortable, not some arbitrary date or temperature.