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RoyalIndependence500 t1_iy497vr wrote

As a gay man I have a question for you. Do you mean we should be looking for common ground with people who want to deny my family rights? That I should try to find the “goodness” in people who would rather I didn’t exist? At the end of the day, we all have to take a stand. Of my neighbor flies a Trump flag, they are telling me they either are, or support, a bigot. I have no intention of validating their beliefs.


vtmtct t1_iy4beir wrote

Civil discourse is and has always been the only alternative to violence if you want to keep society together. So if you want to avoid that, then I suggest you humbly accept that some people will never agree with you on everything. Bad ideas should be met with a stronger argument and overtime attitudes change. You should look into a man named Daryl Davis, he is practically a modern day saint.


alwaysmilesdeep t1_iy4njoz wrote

Its not they disagree. No one cares if you disagree. They literally want to make it illegal to be gay...jail/prison/mental health/institutions. They don't care that members of their cult are shooting up gay clubs...killing innocent people.

Personally I don't like people with porsches....I'm not gonna condone killing them though, nor do I plan to imprison or punish them.


vtmtct t1_iy4oiun wrote

Narratives are not always what they seem.

That’s a tangent from my original point but wanted to clear up the misinformation in your comment. Have you looked up Daryl Davis? There is your answer


alwaysmilesdeep t1_iy4ort2 wrote

Yes that's already been disproven by his social media and crowds he associates with.

This is an attempt to get the hate crime removed and distort the narrative


vtmtct t1_iy4pcld wrote

No it has not…google it and find me a fact check then. By the way, the whole philosophy is that you self identify so how exactly would anyone but that person prove otherwise?