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thisoneisnotasbad t1_iw4nbv3 wrote

The front drive tire? Ugggg. Good luck man. May be time to watch a lot of YouTube videos.

  • I just watched a few. You can do this man. You got it. It doesn’t look too bad. Find a friend who fixes their own car and they can help.

Total aside, my dream is to start a place called the help space. It would be a place where people who knew how to do this stuff would volunteer their time and bring their tools and people who wanted to learn could come in and learn. Stuff like this, or fixing a toaster, or fixing a bicycle, or soldering or wiring a light switch or new fixture or how to use a nail gun, or stuff like that. Basic stuff that makes life easier when you know.

The world is a better place when people are able to pass on knowledge and I think something like that would be a great way to contribute back to the community.


noreaster20 t1_iw4qrhz wrote

That would be a great thing. Thanks for the advice if I can’t find a place then it i’ll have to dive into it myself


Loudergood t1_iw57nfs wrote

My friend, you need to look into Laboratory Bs repair cafe events.


thisoneisnotasbad t1_iw5939f wrote

I’m not in Burlington but may make an effort to make it up there to volunteer.


flambeaway t1_iw5ahck wrote

Hacker/Maker spaces are pretty close to this.

There might be one near you. Offhand, I know of The Mint in Rutland.