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ThisistheInfiniteIs t1_iw5pfue wrote

Also, please keep your dog on a leash when you are out on the hiking trails.


hideous-boy t1_iw5qt9o wrote

or in public in general


ThisistheInfiniteIs t1_iw5rtkz wrote

This exactly, unless you are on private property, with permission, or a dog park that is specifically marked as "off leash", you need to keep your dog on a leash in all public places.


Bibliophiliac1892 t1_iw7ezvr wrote

Something a lot of people who go to state parks blatantly disregard and then wonder why people get annoyed or why they get mad that their dog got injured. 🤔


Faerhun t1_iw83m9u wrote

Depends on the town as well, like Milton you don't need a leash, provided you have your dog under control.

For the people in the back, that means your dog is close to you and has a near perfect recall. Not is just friendly and will eventually will back..

>other appropriate means so that at all times the dog can be prevented from causing any damage, disturbance or annoyance."

Voice control is absolutely legal.


ThisistheInfiniteIs t1_iw8my71 wrote

This is true in a few places, however, while a few towns do allow you to control your animal by verbal means, the language is usually much more restrictive than simply having perfect recall and will usually state that the animal must remain at a heel by your side unless being actively used for hunting or law enforcement activities.

Also, Milton Vermont is not one of those places, you must keep your dogs on a leash in public in the town of Milton. Here is the actual language:

"Section 4 Dog Running at Large/And Or Unlicensed
a. A person who owns, harbors, keeps or controls a dog(s) shall not allow a dog to run at large
off his/her premises on any public or private property"

"Section 3 Definition:
c. "At Large" shall mean off the premises of the owner and not under the control of the owner or member of his/her immediate family or agent of the owner, either by leash, cord, chain or other
appropriate means so that at all times the dog can be prevented from causing any damage, disturbance or annoyance."


Faerhun t1_ixw6m66 wrote

So rereading this it even says

>other appropriate means so that at all times the dog can be prevented from causing any damage, disturbance or annoyance."

Which has its own sub section. So I was right, I even asked the town again. By voice control is absolutely fine.

Had a different conversation that made me think of this.


[deleted] t1_iw5pq67 wrote



ThisistheInfiniteIs t1_iw5r0f5 wrote

I will let the Vermont Department of Fish and Wildlife explain this one to folks who need it expained to them:

"The Vermont Fish & Wildlife Department reminds dog owners that they must keep their dogs under control to prevent them from chasing deer or moose. 

Vermont law prohibits letting your dog run deer or moose and provides that a State Game Warden or other law enforcement officers may shoot a dog that is running deer.  In addition, a dog owner may be fined up to $200 for allowing his or her dog to run deer. 

“Dogs will instinctively chase and kill deer and usually once they start, they will continue doing so, especially in winters with much snow,” said Chief Game Warden Col. Jason Batchelder.  “In almost all cases, these are wonderful family pets and their owners cannot comprehend that their dog would kill a deer.”

Deer survive during the winter by browsing on low-growing hardwood and softwood vegetation, which has little nutrition compared to the lush vegetation they can eat during the rest of the year.  Their energy reserves are at their lowest, leaving them vulnerable to starvation, especially if they are chased by dogs. 

“We are issuing this reminder to make dog owners aware of the law and to urge them to keep their dogs under control so they won’t chase deer,” added Batchelder.  “We responded to about 60 incidents of dogs chasing deer during each of the last five years.”"


WetAndStickyBandits t1_iw5thge wrote

If only leash laws and ordinances were enforced in the state.


deadowl t1_iw80fhk wrote


ThisistheInfiniteIs t1_iw8ns92 wrote

Ugh, some people shouldn't be allowed to own a dog.


sugarplummed t1_iwfhcgs wrote

More then some. My 18yo son was bit by a dog who was on a leash but the adult owner was allowing his little kid to control the dog. My son was minding his business and walking to work. The owner just ignored that the dog bit him and my son was in too much shock to do anything but just get to work. Just so tired of people being oblivious to their responsibilities.


sugarplummed t1_iwfhkfh wrote

Don't get me wrong, the dog with the orange beanie is adorable, but all dog owners need to realize that just because your dog is nice to you doesn't mean they will be nice to another person or animal.


deadowl t1_iw8tctq wrote

Sometimes it's just the dog unfortunately.


ThisistheInfiniteIs t1_iw8znvb wrote

If your dog is not on a leash and does this because you cannot control it, that's 100% on you.


deadowl t1_iw92gpf wrote

I've personally been witness to a Hairy Houdini someone was fostering. No fence or even crate could ever hold that creature, needed the freedom to drag trash bags, welcome mats, and shoes back to home base.


Corey307 t1_iw5s6kh wrote

In a perfect world everyone would understand firearm safety but people on average aren’t that bright. So since we don’t live in a perfect world and because people are dumb we were orange in hunting season and if you’re smart you don’t let your dog run loose.