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Vermonter623 t1_iw7144u wrote

A friendly reminder. If your land isn’t posted it is fair game for hunters.


potroast1251 t1_iw730er wrote

I had to post my land this week because two weeks ago three guys were shooting within a couple hundred feet of my house. Oh well, now its posted.


Vermonter623 t1_iw79c8k wrote

I left mine unposted for years. I ended up posting it because a couple morons decided to throw a bunch of beer cans in my woods. That was the end of that


somedudevt t1_iw7xa10 wrote

Odds are they weren’t hunters, and odds are they won’t follow the posted signs. Posting takes access from those who follow the rules. If you have people tossing beer cans, my guess is you have some Sort of trail, and there are redneck kids going out partying. The posted signs won’t stop that they will just pull the signs down and burn them.


Vermonter623 t1_iw86pwv wrote

They were definitely hunters in this case. A friend of a friend told me they were driving deer down there last year as it is a pretty well known spot for locals. I know one of the guys is a wet brain that was doing it so the empty beer cans tracks