Submitted by WickedMuggle t3_z6rmat in vermont

Looking for a small few acres of land with a house to buy. Need to be within 30 minutes to an hours drive from medical offices, pain management, pharmacy, gas station and a McDonald's. Is this possible or can I just forget it?? Just looking for a place where I can be left with my cat rescue and peace and quiet, around like minded people. In Wyoming currently city of 18000. Where should I be looking?



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thisoneisnotasbad t1_iy337b3 wrote

Troll score:

Kinda funny but it would have hit home better if you mentioned politics, LQBTQ+ and maybe an anti-gun statement to get the conversation heated.

Overall 2.5/5.


WickedMuggle OP t1_iy4szd2 wrote

Damn, sorry to disappoint


czo79 t1_iy2ypc2 wrote

Better get on all those Drs wait lists now.


SnooMaps1313 t1_iy48wx1 wrote

There are websites that show you where stuff is. Like houses for sale.


Loosh_03062 t1_iy5rm3i wrote

30-60 minutes in summer or winter?


Nutmegdog1959 t1_iy30fle wrote

That's basically ALL of VT.

VT is by one standard the most rural state in the union; percentage of people living in cities or towns of 2500 or less. Whereas WY and AK and MT have similar population size, they have more people concentrated in larger cities further apart.

If you don't like the town you live in here, you can move 10 miles down the road, there's another one just like it. All told there's over 250 cities/towns to rest your soul and be left alone for not that much money.

My personal preference is that you stay where you are.


Greenleaf737 t1_iy3nc8l wrote

For not much money? You must live in a different VT.


Nutmegdog1959 t1_iy3o1zi wrote

No, I live in Expensive, VT. But if someone wants to move to East Dumbfuck, VT there are plenty of places that meet the stipulated criterion.

You can find a nice little place on a couple acres with no one else around in a place not everybody wants to live in for under $200k. Chances are they won't be reading this because there is no broadband among other inconveniences, but hey?


WickedMuggle OP t1_iy4slow wrote

Is internet hard to come by or is it just horrendous everywhere?


Nutmegdog1959 t1_iy56cze wrote

Depends on what you mean by 'everywhere'. We have high speed internet to over 90% of the population, but that's only 50% of the area. So the more remote you go, the less the chance of high speed internet.

As I understand, the state has received various grants to get everyone up to speed in the nest couple years. Supposedly the cost will exceed $100 mil.


WickedMuggle OP t1_iy61bl1 wrote

Boy I hope so because I'm so beyond that!


bobsizzle t1_iy6qsed wrote

I'd suggest staying in Wyoming. At least for now. Housing is tight. Might cost more than Wyoming too. Out of curiosity, why would you leave Wyoming? I'd probably rather be in Wyoming. Wide open spaces, horses, cowboy boots and no man buns. (Some people still rock those here)

Land is cheaper in Wyoming too, I'd imagine.


WickedMuggle OP t1_iy6ronj wrote

Ha man it. Well I've never fit in here, the lifestyle is not for me. Moved here for work years ago now I'm retired but to be honest looking in New York at properties I think vermont might be out, gonna get more land and house over there!


bobsizzle t1_iy6s2en wrote

You'd probably get more bang for your buck in New York. Covid made a lot of people move to very. A lot by Vermont standards. Lots of people are having trouble finding housing that's affordable for the local salaries. It's not impossible, but it takes work


WickedMuggle OP t1_iy6tuvd wrote

I agree, seems to be much more for the money. Especially for a piece of land


roxysagooddog t1_iy3lsxf wrote

Curious, why, specifically a McDonalds?


WickedMuggle OP t1_iy4s77e wrote

My daughter is autistic and a Sunday McDonald's run is a must, its the only place she will eat out at.


fiddlersgreen2021 t1_iy3wces wrote

I mean have you ever had a McGriddle?


roxysagooddog t1_iy4680j wrote

I think you're looking to be around Norwich (near Hanover NH), Rutland or Montpelier/Berlin. And I guess I need to try a McGriddle.


fiddlersgreen2021 t1_iy46g6m wrote

Eh you really dont. Though it is probably the high point of their garbage pile.


bobsizzle t1_iy6r0m1 wrote

They're not really good. Unless you like weird, sweet meat.


Effinehright t1_iy3oqoa wrote

Just wing it, you’ll find work, housing, and all that easily just get here!


WickedMuggle OP t1_iy4svgw wrote

Thats kinda the plan, im moving a full ebay business and 17 cats!


Nutmegdog1959 t1_iy5xpre wrote

We were just thinking we could use another crazy cat lady or two over here?


roxysagooddog t1_iy5b8j2 wrote

About your cats, Fischers are quick and mean, and outdoor cats have to be really something to survive.