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Vermonter623 t1_ixamju3 wrote

Reply to comment by [deleted] in Winter road conditions? by [deleted]

But do you really want to put more stress on our already fragile ecosystem here? Covid has drawn so many people into this state that we are starting to see the stress cracks in everything here. While I don’t think anyone should have to live in actual fear I think the media has sensationalized a lot of the actual hate towards lgbqt peeps


[deleted] OP t1_ixamrgi wrote



bobsizzle t1_ixbwi8j wrote

Why would someone give a crap what your preference is? As long as you're not an asshole? Then I can see people talking shit, but that's more because of being an asshole then because of sexual orientation. Or if you force people to use pronouns if they'd rather not. I honestly very rarely see anyone hate gays for simply being gay, unless they're old or super religious. Which is dumb. Some people I know have no issues with gay people, but get mad over the expectations of having to conform to someone else. I was just curious what homophobia you experience. It may or may not be better, depending on what you consider homophobic. You'll find people who don't like you everywhere. I would guess Vermont would be better though. I travel through Ohio a lot and, yeah, it's fine. But people sometimes forget parts of Ohio feel like you're down south.

People still might not like you, but for other reasons. Like for being from out of state lol. Vermont is quite tolerant though, compared to many other states. Sometimes that's bad. They seem to tolerate addicts and criminals more than I'd like. I think you'll be ok though. I'm not from Vermont either. Vermont lives in its own world sometimes. I'm from all over, And prefer places where people Wear cowboy Boots, but i like the seclusion of Vermont and the fact people tend to mind their business. And it's nice standing out a bit. I don't see many other people wearing cowboy boots, wrangler jeans and pearl snap shirts. If you conform to Vermont and don't try changing it, I think you'll be A ok. Vermont needs more young professionals. And people willing to work. Housing can be tight. It's not as cheap as other places. But I think you can make it work. Sorry if I can't get into more details that pertain to the LGBTQ scene. I know it's thriving for a state of this size. I usually avoid most people because there are too many who are sensitive and get offended over the tiniest things and I don't have time to care. I like people who can take a joke and who know the difference between hate and busting chops. Vermont has its pros and cons, but I'd say more pros. Especially if you're already used to snow and long Winters


Vermonter623 t1_ixamtqu wrote

I promise it ain’t any better here.


[deleted] OP t1_ixan09y wrote

Doubt see ya in 10 months


Vermonter623 t1_ixan3ag wrote

Doubt it. Good luck finding a place


friedmpa t1_ixawfvc wrote

they never learn until it's too late and they don't have 2k for rent


[deleted] OP t1_ixb4x9c wrote

Spending that much in Ohio rn 🤷🏻‍♀️


Vermonter623 t1_ixcpbi2 wrote

But there is services in Ohio you enjoy. Like good internet or drinkable water


[deleted] OP t1_ixcqce4 wrote

Eh I’d rather have crap wifi and sketchy water than potentially not have human rights after every election cycle tho.


Vermonter623 t1_ixcqey0 wrote

I think your being a little hyperbolic


[deleted] OP t1_ixcrpcu wrote

Ok you’re not the one living in bigot land tho so


Vermonter623 t1_ixcsa8s wrote

You of course realize that Vermont isn’t some liberal Mecca. We have a lot of problems with racism and homophobia. and to name just a few. We even had to appoint someone in public office.’s-first-racial-equity-executive.


Mallard_a4_Thoth t1_ixezk8u wrote

I have decent internet and water where I really depends on what town you're in and what providers you have.


21stCenturyJanes t1_ixcr6x1 wrote

I doubt it too. People on this sub are always really discouraging to out of staters who want to come here but it's a very progressive state with a lot to offer. It has its shortcomings, of course, but don't be put off by Redditers. You'll see for yourself.


[deleted] OP t1_ixcrvi7 wrote



21stCenturyJanes t1_ixddhwd wrote

There are downsides - and the weather is the biggest one - but there are downsides everywhere! I don't think Vermont is perfect but I don't really want to live anywhere else, either.