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Amyarchy t1_ixwh7yd wrote

Our land is posted and I can assure you we're not rich out of staters, but we would like to be able to actually walk around in our woods without fear of being shot. There's LOADS of land near here open to hunting, my little bit of space doesn't have to be open to everyone.


happyonthehill802 t1_ixwjsos wrote

This isnt an attack on people who post their land...your choice. My stance on it is that if you post your land, i better not find you walking on mine. Vermont is full of beautiful mountaintops, a lot of them private property. As someone who owns such property, i feel it would be very selfish to post that and not let others enjoy. As i enjoy thousands of acres in my town (respectfully) without permission.

Side note: Hunters wont just shoot you, and you should wear orange during hunting season regardless of how posted your land is. Most respectful hunters will ask before parking and hunting on your land, and certainly before setting up a tree stand.


Amyarchy t1_ixwo9py wrote

You certainly seem hostile to people who post. That's your right, but own it.


somedudevt t1_ixws4h0 wrote

Posting is selfish in Vermont, and not in the traditions of our state. That’s the reality. Our history of public access to private lands go back to our founding 250 years ago. Hostility toward people who post is not a bad thing here, as it’s a cultural shift away from what has historically made Vermont what it is.


codeQueen t1_ixxpgdw wrote

Wanting to be able to be safe on your own land is not selfish. Thinking you have the right to walk around and shoot shit on other peoples' property is.


somedudevt t1_ixyynnw wrote

No it’s being a traditional Vermonter. This stuff is LITTERALLY written into the state constitution. So posting is as I said a selfish action that goes against what it means to be a Vermonter. Also posting unless you have a GIANT plot of land isn’t exactly protecting you from the irrational fear of a hunter. A .308 round can travel over 1000 yards. Take a look at a map and circle 1000 yards from your living room. Do you own all that? And is it posted? If not posting isn’t increasing your safety. Also hunting accidents are extremely rare.

The most recent stats I can find are from NY state showing that incidents 1 incident per 100,000 hunters, and showed that all incidents were among hunters not non hunters for the year in the article. It is exceedingly rare (not never) for a person who is not involved in hunting to be involved in a hunting related accident. So the fear that it will happen to you, and the action to post land to avoid it, is irrational and not based on an actual threat/risk. Your risk of a drunk driver visiting your bedroom with their pickup truck at night are higher than a hunter shooting you while hunting.


Amyarchy t1_ixyvv6s wrote

I don't want random strangers with guns wandering around my yard/woods. That's not selfish. There aren't many spots on our land where you're not fairly close to a home. It's not appropriate.