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somedudevt t1_ixyynnw wrote

No it’s being a traditional Vermonter. This stuff is LITTERALLY written into the state constitution. So posting is as I said a selfish action that goes against what it means to be a Vermonter. Also posting unless you have a GIANT plot of land isn’t exactly protecting you from the irrational fear of a hunter. A .308 round can travel over 1000 yards. Take a look at a map and circle 1000 yards from your living room. Do you own all that? And is it posted? If not posting isn’t increasing your safety. Also hunting accidents are extremely rare.

The most recent stats I can find are from NY state showing that incidents 1 incident per 100,000 hunters, and showed that all incidents were among hunters not non hunters for the year in the article. It is exceedingly rare (not never) for a person who is not involved in hunting to be involved in a hunting related accident. So the fear that it will happen to you, and the action to post land to avoid it, is irrational and not based on an actual threat/risk. Your risk of a drunk driver visiting your bedroom with their pickup truck at night are higher than a hunter shooting you while hunting.