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headgasketidiot t1_ixm1k6f wrote

Wood heating in Vermont is also really common. We do 90% of our heating with wood at my place and that's pretty typical for my area.

Any chance you've got a chimney that can take a wood stove? If not, my sister just had an outdoor chimney installed and it cost her about 3k all said and done, which is not even that much more than filling your tank!


MrHoonigan802 t1_ixm20u5 wrote

I will be installing wood stove next year once I save up money again. My savings were drained on this purchase


somedudevt t1_ixm3nqw wrote

Since you paid cash you have equity. Do a HELOC, and get yourself a wood system installed. It will cost less than oil for the season especially if you have wood already cut which your other posts say you do. Be aware that heating with softwood here is frowned on, I know in Canada and Alaska it’s common as that’s what grows. But in general in for a penny in for a pound, pull off the bandaid and just put in the wood system now, it will be much cheaper in the end, and enable you to pay over time for the system.


MrHoonigan802 t1_ixm4bal wrote

I have mostly maple and ash on site it appears


somedudevt t1_ixmkcm2 wrote

Might as well clear the ash while you can get benefit from them… in the next dozen years our ash trees will be gone, they are already being wiped out in parts of the state.


MrHoonigan802 t1_ixn6qrb wrote

That's what I was thinking. Pretty decent size. They are over 40' tall and 12-14" in diameter. I figure get to gettin while it's good. I've fell about 8 of them so far.


friedmpa t1_ixm2bfc wrote

A cord of wood is 4x more expensive than last year, better start chopping too, or enjoy a freezing place like me :p


MrHoonigan802 t1_ixm2plt wrote

I have lots of woods on my property so plenty has been cleaned up and harvested and being seasoned. Was going to sell it on the cheap to people in low income situations


friedmpa t1_ixm327x wrote

That’s really nice of you man, enjoy your thanksgiving or day


MrHoonigan802 t1_ixm37v2 wrote

If you need firewood I have some you can take. I'll help you with it too but I'm injured so I'll be only kinda helpful lol


friedmpa t1_ixm46kq wrote

Nah I don’t have a wood stove, natural gas sadly. I know people that leave wood in cubbies that say like $10 each with a box on the side of the road, if you trust people that drive by enough.


headgasketidiot t1_ixm2x4s wrote

I'm really sorry you're in this predicament, and I feel your pain. I moved here 5 years ago, and right after closing, our house's heating system failed and we didn't really have the cash to replace it or install a stove. It was a very long, hard winter.

My only thought is go meet your neighbors and ask them for advice. We didn't know any of our neighbors then. Now that we do, they've all said how happy they would've been to help us out any way they could've, as I would for any new neighbor. If nothing else, you can have a friendly place to warm up on the coldest days.


MrHoonigan802 t1_ixm3d20 wrote

I don't have neighbors unfortunately and fortunately


headgasketidiot t1_ixm3kls wrote

Neither do I, but I've learned "neighbors" here is a pretty expansive concept. My nearest neighbors are just under a mile away, but it doesn't stop us from treating each other as neighbors. I'd say anyone within 5 miles is basically a neighbor.


MrHoonigan802 t1_ixm3yj9 wrote

On that note, I'll see if anyone friendly is around. I've discovered only 1 in 5 people here are nice and welcoming . Maybe it's just my area but I've only met grumpy alcoholic farmers that don't like people.


headgasketidiot t1_ixm4rtv wrote

That's a shame and honestly a bit surprising. Basically everyone around me is pretty friendly. Every time I'm doing some chore and my tractor looks like it's struggling with the mud, I've got every old farmer pulling over to see if they need me to bring their tractors over to help.


MrHoonigan802 t1_ixm5bmr wrote

Like I said, could be my area. I was living in a camp in Eden for a while and met lots of great people that I still see regularly. Killington was nice people but too uppity and busy for my liking.