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kalitarios t1_iwrfbch wrote

If you ask a criminal lawyer, like I did out of curiosity, then they may violate the blade laws in your area if the sharpened edge is longer than, or in violation of what the law allows.

But typically nothing will happen unless someone is wielding it as a weapon menacingly or just being incredibly stupid with it, or if people are in fear of their well-being or safety.

My specific question i asked was if I could wear a full set of medieval knight armor and sword to work on casual friday. Could i take public transportation.


willowbeest t1_iwrhk77 wrote

Fascinating! Thanks for the insight. Hopefully the store in the mall isn't selling illegally-long sharpened-edge items!

_Could_ you wear your full armor on public transportation? Now I'm curious!


theghostofmrmxyzptlk t1_iwsqw4a wrote

Yes, but they can refuse you service for concerns about the safety of other passengers.