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21stCenturyJanes t1_iwrrua0 wrote

The White House PR team really needs to embrace Dark Brandon more. How hysterical would it be if Brandon became a compliment after these idiots have it tattooed on their bodies and painted on their barns?


bionicmoonman t1_iwryy55 wrote

That’s a very American thing to do tbh. Yankee Doodle was an insult that the British used during our Revolution. It was a homophobic slur that was meant to offend the American Soldiers, but they took it as a term of endearment.


[deleted] t1_iwskfq9 wrote

What? Thats not what I learned in school, it actually has a much darker history; that the democrats should be aware of and ashamed to be affiliated with. They act like they're better than those fuck head Republicans 😅😅 Smash the system


bionicmoonman t1_iwsl1zp wrote

I hope you know that the Democrat Party in 1864 is not the same as the Democrat Party of today. The term Yankee Doodle is a Revolutionary War term, the song you linked is a Civil War variation of Yankee Doodle.


VThillbilly t1_iwsp005 wrote

Well they actually are they use propaganda to make people like you think that are not. Much be bliss to be that ignorant.


BreadTruckToast t1_iwsqzhk wrote

If you understand the difference between a political party name and political party ideology there is literally zero chance you arrive at the conclusion they’re the same. You’re the same type of moron who thinks the Nazis were socialists because they called themselves the “National Socialist Party”


b1ack1323 t1_iwue090 wrote

In 1863 Lincoln, A Republican, freed the slaves and advocated for their rights.

By 1930, the Republicans were anti Civil Rights and widely voted again Jim Crowe laws and right to vote.

Those sound like some pretty opposing beliefs.


[deleted] t1_iwslesn wrote

Yea they're worse. The parade around acting like they support a democracy when they lock children in cages and poison people intentionally to make sure they can't reproduce. That's just the first example thay comes to mind.


MentllyDisnfectd t1_iwsomzw wrote

Don't forget to mention the democrats putting litter boxes in school bathrooms. /s


b1ack1323 t1_iwuea02 wrote

Probably my favorite piece of propaganda and when you say “that’s not true”. They respond with “I know someone in that school”

Turns out to be bullshit every time.


b1ack1323 t1_iwue698 wrote

Are you talking about Trump and his illegal alien policy?


[deleted] t1_iwuedd0 wrote

Nope not that racist pos, the other one Joe Biden when he was working with that puppet Obama.


[deleted] t1_iwui6vn wrote

Oh what you all forgot they were there when trump got to the Whitehouse, he just decided to keep them.


TheMobyDicks t1_iwuqkjq wrote

Foil hat much?


uterinejellyfish t1_iws7avx wrote

I've been saying since Let's Go Brandon was a thing that the Dems should lean into it and make Let's Go Brandon 2024 signs right next to Brandon for President 2024.


white_hyena t1_iwssv1m wrote

"Fuck Joe Biden, but fuck Trump more. Lets go Brandon 2024"


Mental-Job7947 t1_iwt3vxo wrote

Let's find someone named Brandon to run independent and really make this fun


uterinejellyfish t1_iwu0k43 wrote

Oh that's also a good idea. I know a Brandon, maybe I can convince him to run.


sluttymcfuckstick t1_iwsbty3 wrote

Lean into what exactly? The whole thing came about because the media lied on live tv, gaslighting a whole nation about nascar idiots saying fuck Joe Biden and they tried pull the old " Who you going to believe, me or your lying eyes?". How does one reclaim that, objectively?


Icy-Conclusion-3500 t1_iwuxmyh wrote

Bro it’s not because they care about Bidens reputation, it’s because they were hoping people wouldn’t think the fuck word was being yelled on live TV.


gmgvt t1_iwva64c wrote

Co-sign! One of my colleagues showed up to a Zoom meeting last week wearing a T-shirt of cartoon laser-eyes Dark Brandon. (We work somewhere you can do that kind of stuff, heheh.)

Also I'm actually from Brandon, so, you know, I approve this message. OK, unlike the other half of people in Brandon who put Trump flags on their garages, but we purple town folk do what we can.