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IAintSkeeered t1_iwv72z0 wrote

Made vs Maid


EmeraldMoose12 t1_iwv9agk wrote

And it’s just syrup. Not maple syrup.


twowheels OP t1_iwvdjmr wrote

I know the difference. Note that I didn’t say made in my title… it’s not “Vermont”.


5XTEEM t1_iwvp75g wrote

But it is syrup, so it's not like your title is actually accurate.


Glass_Entertainer_10 t1_iwvtw05 wrote

The point is, that it's not from a maple tree. It's syrup, but not from Vermont or from a maple tree. So his title is correct.


twowheels OP t1_iwvrhq3 wrote

Dictionary definition of syrup:

> a thick sweet liquid made by dissolving sugar in boiling water, often used for preserving fruit.


> a thick sticky liquid derived from a sugar-rich plant, especially sugar cane, corn, and maple.

I see,

> Sorbitol, cellulose gum, 'natural' and artificial flavors (look it up, natural flavors are anything but), caramel color, sodium benzoate, potassium sorbate, Sucralose (artificial), phosphoric acid, acesulfame potassium, aspartame, and citric acid.

NONE of those are sugar (though some are distantly 'derived from' sugars), nor directly derived from a plant -- that's not syrup, it's a chemistry experiment -- it's time to recognize that we're killing ourselves with this garbage -- it's not syrup, and it's not food.


KITTYONFYRE t1_iwzi9cs wrote

> it's time to recognize that we're killing ourselves with this garbage -- it's not syrup, and it's not food.

fucking lol. most artificial sweeteners are just not digested at all. they do nothing in your body. you eat them, you excrete 100% of them. they're far better for you than sugar, which is one of the biggest killers in the US (heart disease, obesity - not directly sugar's fault but a highly contributing factor).

you're using the naturalistic fallacy


AdventureSheepies t1_iwv6k8x wrote

I once went to a "Vermont Pancake House" in NJ. If you wanted real maple syrup, you had to pay extra. Blasphemy.


skiitifyoucan t1_iwvblve wrote

honestly I have had this experience in VT, seems to have shifted over the years to using the real stuff by default.

The worst offense I've seen is fake crap put into a real maple syrup container and being served in a restaurant in VT...

Then there are the restaurants out of state calling the fake "maple syrup" ; they just don't know any better.


random_vermonter t1_iwviku3 wrote

I know that eating at Denny's in the past, you could request Vermont maple syrup. Not sure if this is still the case. I refuse to use any syrup that isn't pure Vermont maple syrup!


Loudergood t1_iwxgepw wrote

IHOP had to add it to the menu when they opened here...


Abbot_of_Cucany t1_iwxxxcu wrote

That's because their menus nationwide used the word "maple", and in Vermont you can only make that claim if it's real. If they had said "pancake syrup" they could have continued to serve the fake stuff.

IHOP decided it was cheaper for them to serve real maple syrup than it would be to print two different menus, one for Vermont and the other for the rest of the US.


selecta79 t1_iwwuuds wrote

I’m impressed they even had it…haha


Phlowman t1_iwvg1n3 wrote

Look at that ingredient list, this isn’t maple syrup it’s a science experiment.


twowheels OP t1_iwvgdpd wrote

Yeah. It’s a shame what we’ve done to “food”. The real thing tastes better and is so much healthier — just eat it in moderation and exercise and you won’t have to worry about a few more calories in the real thing.


Few-Butterfly1098 t1_iwy5ljz wrote

Eat until you’re full and eat all natural minimally processed food with a healthy lifestyle, you don’t become overweight it’ll naturally balance itself and you won’t overeat because you get the nutrients you need. Modern food is poisoning people and depriving them of nutrients while still eating large amounts of food


antfurrny t1_iwv7tny wrote

Thats industrial sludge


WeddingUsed t1_iwvirpi wrote

It's just new jersey's subtle way of relocating their fifth


getthetime t1_iww9w6r wrote

Fun fact: beneath the small park in front of the Vermont Maid Building on Pine Street (where Great Harvest is) there is an absolutely enormous holding tank for the fake syrup, that is still there to this day. Before they renovated the park about five or six years ago you could still see the outline of the top of the tank if you knew what to look for. They covered it with gravel now, unfortunately.

Inside Great Harvest is a tiny plaque commemorating Vermont Maid's history there, just to left of the front door. I think it's neat that fake syrup and Maltex hot cereal were manufactured across the street from each other for many decades.


nlpnt t1_iwxjfhd wrote

You can still see the tank on earlier passes of Google Streetview.


PhineasSwann t1_iww8yly wrote

Vermont's ag department is actually pretty militant about policing the abuse of the term "Vermont" and "Maple." There was a case many years ago against Mcdonald's which tried to promote its oatmeal as having "maple flavor" when it didn't. As part of the settlement, anyone in Vermont who goes into a McDonald's can get real maple syrup to add to their oatmeal for free.


nlpnt t1_iwxjmid wrote

FWIU the Vt Dept of Ag owns the trademark for "Vermont" on food products, and they do use it as a de facto Protected Designation of Origin.

Vermont Maid moved production out of state before that, and it exists under a grandfather clause.


BlackOptx t1_iwxv608 wrote

Literally my favorite Vermont maple fact


Romanovs_Penguin t1_iwv3f34 wrote

Motor Oil. Works great in the snow blower.


twowheels OP t1_iwv5556 wrote

Oh, so you're saying that I should have bought it?


Romanovs_Penguin t1_iwvdzpl wrote

You could try it. But don't certainly do NOT ingest it. Keep out of the hands of children.

I think the AOT mixes it in with the road brine to clear icy roads.


tyguyS4 t1_iwvin3e wrote

Hate it all you want, but it's what my diabetic ass uses on pancakes and waffles.


twowheels OP t1_iwvlkak wrote

Yeah. That makes sense — glad that the option is available to you, but I won’t touch it. :)


tyguyS4 t1_iwvm7ht wrote

Can't blame you. Sometimes I cheat and use the real stuff.


WhatTheCluck802 t1_iwyazmy wrote

Pancakes and waffles are better plain, than with this junk. Or add some berries to the top if you need something sweet.


EagleRockVermont t1_iwvcyxs wrote

Something tells me there's no maid involved, either.


vociferousgirl t1_iwvxott wrote

Is this something that goes against Vermont's ten pages of Maple regulations. Can we take them down?


twowheels OP t1_iwvxufg wrote

Probably not because I don’t recall the word ‘maple’ being anywhere on the bottle.


Fromage_Damage t1_iww8wa5 wrote

The State tried to sue the company a while back and they weren't able to get it taken off the shelves.


taez555 t1_iwvy23k wrote

When the apocalypse hits, the grocery stores in Vermont are going to be picked clean..... except for the fake maple syrup. It's just going to be a whole corner aisle at Shaws full of Mrs Butterworth and storebrand pancake syrup.


twowheels OP t1_iwvyurs wrote

Well, it’s a tradeoff between useful calories and low calorie chemical sludge with a 3 year shelf life w/o refrigeration — I just can’t decide.


bobcatprowl t1_iwv4kcx wrote

You just identified it: garbage


daddymarsh t1_iwv7sq8 wrote

I don’t think it’s trying to claim either to be true. I’m not a scientist, but I don’t think you can have sugar free real maple syrup. And as someone else mentioned, they use Maid, note Made.


Robb_da_dog t1_iwvelee wrote

Sorbitol sounds healthy for consumption


twowheels OP t1_iwvey7k wrote

From Wikipedia,

> Sorbitol may cause allergic reactions in some people.[5] Common side effects from use as a laxative are stomach cramps, vomiting, diarrhea or rectal bleeding.[5]

Yep, sounds like exactly what I want from my ‘syrup’!


Eledridan t1_iwvethj wrote

“The taste New England loves” Blech.


Hillman314 t1_iwvh1pb wrote

It’s for people who don’t know about homonyms. Notice they don’t claim it’s maple syrup or that it is MADE in VT.

It’s literally labeled as syrup for Vermont maids. It’s for the Massholes who buy up Vermont housing as 2nd and 3rd homes to pour on their housekeepers.


polarbearrape t1_iwvzpz2 wrote

I thought VT had laws about using Vermont in a name if it's not from Vermont. Made vs maid shouldn't matter in that case. You can't label a business "Vermont" anything if it's not in VT.


KindaPretentious t1_iwvrvzl wrote

Nah, it’s okay. They’re just using a name that’s impossible to trademark so that they can profit from the reputation of a community that they neither participate in, nor support. That’s just people.


Daniboi1977 t1_iww7gnn wrote

That's why it's Vermont "Maid" and not "Made". She moved. and started making fake syrup.


ScarletRead t1_iwz4ds7 wrote

She hasn’t shown her face here for years. We know.


Total_drama_z t1_iwwv2yg wrote

Can we become our own republic again pls.


wageslave2022 t1_iwvavmx wrote

New Jerseys finest Vermontish maplish syruppy syrup type stuff. Enjoy


billsatori t1_iwvf9jd wrote

The Vermont Maid is looking like a NJ native that decided to stick around after graduating UVM.


LaMelgoatBall t1_iwvi3mv wrote

None of my out of state friends ever realized what they were missing, sent my friend in Florida some for Christmas last year. Now he gives me money to ship him some, I hate fake syrup so much.


tagit446 t1_iwxsgyj wrote

Looks like deceptive marketing at it's best!

I personally absolutely hate the taste of fake syrup and don't get how anyone likes the stuff but I'll drink a small cup of real Vermont maple syrup as soon as it comes out of the evaporator and through a filter. Love sipping it hot while making it. Gives me the warm fuzzies.


meanwhileinvermont t1_iwyonuk wrote

wait until you hear the truth about Poland Spring water


wzl46 t1_iwwajfa wrote

I was at the Asian market today and I saw “Vermont Curry” which contains maple syrup and apple. I was intrigued.


Outrageous_Budget_57 t1_iwwlupj wrote

It's POISON!!! EVERYTHING with High Fructose Corn Syrup is POISON!


twowheels OP t1_iwwm3eu wrote

I don’t see HFCS in there, but I do see many other nastier ingredients.


Outrageous_Budget_57 t1_iwx9usq wrote

They changed the name to sucralose...


twowheels OP t1_iwxfa2d wrote

Sucralose is not HFCS, it’s a modified sugar molecule known as a chlorocarbon, or chlorinated hydrocarbon — yes, chlorine.


Viper5639 t1_iwwmthe wrote

Its lies in a bottle. When your friend lies to you hand them this without saying anything.


chaptertwovt t1_iwwrbyh wrote

This is also illegal. VT passed a law a few years back protecting it’s brand.


vtddy t1_iwx8dpp wrote

This doesn't fall under that because it doesn't say pure Vermont maple syrup. They only say Vermont maid. Not made


chaptertwovt t1_iwxvmf7 wrote

I might be wrong but I don’t think you can even use Vermont in your name if not based here and/or 51% owned by a resident.


vtddy t1_iwyqgux wrote

Yes you can because it's not implying that it was made in Vermont


Christopher_LX t1_iwy3jv1 wrote

Not a significant source of sat. fat, trans fat, or maple syrup.


frogman655321 t1_iwyxoie wrote

Hate to break it to you, but that’s also not a real maid…


WeddingUsed t1_iwviwhg wrote

It looks more like BBQ sauce than anything else


Jsr1 t1_iwvtnv1 wrote

Maid not made. These bastards have been push this crap for year with the Vermont brand name recognition!


rochvegas5 t1_iww13qi wrote

Vermont MADE and Vermont MAID are two different things, and any maple syrup that isn't 100% maple syrup is sugar water


twowheels OP t1_iww1cun wrote

Not sure how many times I have to point out that I didn’t say anything about it being “made” here, I said it’s not Vermont. So many people jumping to the conclusion that I don’t know the difference.


rochvegas5 t1_iww24r2 wrote

How about one more time? For old times sake :-)


weathergleam t1_iww9mwf wrote

and that’s not the real Jersey either


Ciderinsider86 t1_iwwhiim wrote

And just who is this titular Maid, and what's her phone number, and is she single?

Rabble rabble rabble


antiqueboi t1_iwxrtnn wrote

i feel like most people are so accustomed to the corn syrup maple syrup they would not like the smoky flavor of real maple syrup


Obahmah t1_iwz4bbv wrote

I've always said the only "pure maple syrup" I'll buy is from Vermont.... I've been Told Quebec is relatively legit as well, but unless I recieve it as a gift or am a guest in another house I'll never try it 🙃


RedditRiT t1_iwz81ov wrote

I'm a Vermonter who was poor with a sister with a maple allergy. This was my shit as a kid. Then when I would get real syrup I was like "why it so thin?" This has definitely changed since a child. Real maple syrup all the way now


PollutedRiver t1_iwzauov wrote

Shhhh don't tell them it's fake or they'll drive up for the real thing.


Dseltzer1212 t1_iwzhzqg wrote

It’s been this way for 15 years


MikeDPhilly t1_iwzs63p wrote

I think it's hgh fructose corn syrup with synthesized maple flavor. I grabbed something likr this once by mistake and it was appalling.


twowheels OP t1_ix0jh46 wrote

It's actually far worse than that -- look at those ingredients -- at least HFCS comes from a plant, this stuff comes from a lab.


MikeDPhilly t1_ix120t5 wrote

I mean, why take something that is already bad, and make it worse? I eventually had to give that syrup away to a neighbor because I couldn't tolerate it.


twowheels OP t1_ix1dvm9 wrote

Wow, some neighbor — geez, do you hate them?


MikeDPhilly t1_ix1mh93 wrote

Haha! Good one. No, I posted to our local Buy Nothing Group on FB and my neighbor picked it up. No accounting for taste, it seems.


hunny_bun_24 t1_iwv81ma wrote

That is syrup and they aren’t being deceptive. It’s just a brand name


polarbearrape t1_iww00uk wrote

I'm pretty sure Vermont has laws about naming a product Vermont if it's not actually from here


twowheels OP t1_iwwh61y wrote


More specifically:

> No person shall represent a company name that includes the word "Vermont" or any substantially similar term in close association with a food product that is not a Vermont product unless the representation is accompanied by the following clear and conspicuous disclosures in the manner described in this section or at the point of sale as described in CP 120.01(b)(ii): (a) If the company is not based in Vermont, then information sufficient to communicate that fact must be disclosed somewhere on the product. (b) If the product was not made in Vermont, then information sufficient to indicate the geographic area where the product was made must be disclosed on the front panel (such as "Made in Ohio," "Product of New England," or "Made in USA"). (c) If the product is one that, under the definition of "Vermont product," is required to have a primary ingredient that comes from Vermont, but in fact such ingredient comes from outside of Vermont, then information sufficient to indicate the geographic area where the ingredient comes from must be disclosed on the front panel (such as "Made from New England apples" or "Northeast blend syrup"). (d) Notwithstanding the above, the requirements of subsections (b) and (c) of this section are satisfied if either the product was made in Vermont or a primary ingredient comes from Vermont, provided that: there is a disclosure on the front panel that the product was made in Vermont, or that a primary ingredient comes from Vermont, as the case may be; and there is a disclosure, not necessarily on the front panel, that the product was made outside of Vermont, or that a primary ingredient comes from outside of Vermont, as the case may be.

It looks to me like they might actually be in violation since they have Vermont in the name, and no disclosure on the front panel.


nlpnt t1_iwxjq17 wrote

Grandfathered in. Production moved out of state prior to this law.


timberwolf0122 t1_iwve4ig wrote

I demand they atleast make sure the lady in the bottle is a vermont maid


ZZZCCCVV t1_iwwaeal wrote

The maid made a mistake. We have a cheese, called Petit Québec and it's made in Ontario.


mountainofclay t1_iwwhfm6 wrote

If anything Vermonters might be proud that the dirt bag corporation in Parsippany thought highly enough about the real stuff to try to steal the labeling. I’m pretty sure no one believes that crap is real maple syrup. And since one good turn deserves another I thought maybe Vermont could appropriate something only found in NJ but I couldn’t think of anything worthy.


SemperFuu t1_iwx4wje wrote

Believe this is illegal, technically by Vermont statue


waterford1955_2 t1_iwx72g9 wrote

I think they can't call it Vermont Maple Syrup. They can call it Vermont Maid Syrup all day long. I might be wrong though. It might be like Bourbon. It can't be called bourbon unless it comes from Kentucky.


SemperFuu t1_iwxg4fd wrote

That’s not true about bourbon. For a whiskey to be considered Bourbon, its mash – the mixture of grains from which the product is distilled – must contain at least 51% corn. The rest of the mash is usually filled out with rye or wheat, and malted barley.

Location doesn’t matter. Japanese bourbon is good!


YellowZx5 t1_iwxu9zu wrote

I think in Vermont it can’t be called Maple Syrup but Vermont Maid or pancake syrup are still legal.


LT_Blount t1_iwvfyqh wrote

Don’t Jersey Vermont


roborob11 t1_iwvi7yz wrote

My favorite maple syrup is made by boiling the sap. The maker of the syrup thinks that using osmosis is an abomination. “Real” syrup is boiled according to him.


GimmieJohnson t1_iwvla85 wrote

Be a real vermonter and buy the Fruity pebbles syrup.


KingKababa t1_iwvlti7 wrote



listen_youse t1_iwvw421 wrote

If everybody who buys bogus-ass syrup started insisting on real maple syrup what would the price of the real thing go up to?


twowheels OP t1_iwvw9f2 wrote

Dunno, but it would be good for the VT economy!


charliedontplaydat t1_iwvdowp wrote

Did you expect to find a sugar free syrup made from maple sap that is contains sugars? I am confused about the outrage here.


Most_Expert_8080 t1_iwvkic9 wrote

People are really sensitive about maple syrup. They do not realize this is a product for people who are diabetic.


charliedontplaydat t1_iwvyt0i wrote

I think the laws are very clear and effective. I also know Reddit is where people go to get a reaction. I just feel like this isn’t at all even pretending to be maple or syrup or from vermont really as it says “maid”. Just a weird ass post.


Most_Expert_8080 t1_iww2mfq wrote

They have to do their performative xenophobia and exceptionalism.


YOurAreWr0ng t1_iwvpo2z wrote

To be fair it doesn’t say Vermont Made.


twowheels OP t1_iwvqkzf wrote

I didn't say that it was, I said it's not Vermont.


Enough_Camel2650 t1_iwvvr7p wrote

What’s the point of this post?


twowheels OP t1_iwvvxzj wrote

Whatever me and the 108 people who upvoted it want it to be — you must be fun at parties.


Enough_Camel2650 t1_iwvw4bo wrote

I’m not hating I’m just genuinely curious what the point of this was? I feel fairly confident everyone who’s grown up in Vermont knows this shit exists


twowheels OP t1_iwvwjrn wrote

Sure — I even posted a link to the history (though somebody else posted an even more accurate and well researched history link) — it just caught my eye at the grocery store today — my wife usually does the shopping since she works fewer hours than I do, so I usually buy my syrup at the local general store or farm stands and don’t typically see this junk.


Enough_Camel2650 t1_iwvwsp6 wrote

Gotcha, yeah it’s interesting the amount of people that prefer corn syrup with maple extract over the real thing, but there’s obviously a market for it somehow