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Wageslavesyndrome t1_iyhtkpa wrote

I hear you 110%. I have a wife that is disabled in a wheelchair and I’m trying to tread water to not drown because the jobs pay like ass out here and it’s expensive as hell.

But my wife grew up here and doesn’t want to leave so I’m stuck in this beautiful lovely state. Obviously there’s worse things in life but being in my 40s and living paycheck to paycheck is very depressing, no matter how wonderful this state is. There’s no money for the future, barely any money to enjoy recreational activities, and any hiccup in life causes immense stress on my finances.

My review in November was immaculate, was told that my company is glad I’m apart of their “family” and my work is top notch. Got a raise of .75%. Not 75 cents/hr, not 75%, but .75%, a three-quarter of one percent raise for all my hard work. I’m already underpaid (I make 44,000 supporting my wife and I) by 25000 or so of the national average based on a few websites, but because of living in Vermont, it’s okay. 😂.