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endeavour3d t1_j1xxkfw wrote

They will come from everywhere, what's going to happen is as the climate continues to break down, southern and midwestern/western states are going to become more uninhabitable due to climate induced events, so people are going to start showing up more and more to our area of the country. Whether they have houses or jobs to come to won't matter, people will show up regardless, and they'll live in their cars, tents, or shacks to do it, just like desperate migrants have for all of human history.

Politicians here, like most places, don't seem to understand this reality, Scott especially is incredibly stupid when it comes to this future, but there's a good chance he'll still be office as people start to show up on his doorstep, maybe then he'll actually do something about housing and climate resiliency.


cpujockey t1_j1z1qy8 wrote

> states are going to become more uninhabitable due to climate induced events

cant wait to see that play out. the earth shall take back what is rightfully theirs.
