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EscapedAlcatraz t1_j1yu8zo wrote

And moving from Massachusetts to Vermont will make a big difference in climate? This makes little sense.


magicmonkey1320 t1_j1yzazs wrote

The climate in Massachusetts is actually very different then the one in Vermont


wittgensteins-boat t1_j1z11ih wrote

Altitude makes a difference.

Most of Massachusetts population is near the coast, less than 100 feet in altitude, and warmed or moderated by water.

Vermont average altitude is 1000 feet.

Even when we assume people in Vermont are in valleys, at 500 feet, that makes a difference. Plus no sea weather moderation.


0comment t1_j20qhx1 wrote


EscapedAlcatraz t1_j217azv wrote

The notion that someone would uproot their life, become a climate refugee and move 171 miles away seems far fetched.


0comment t1_j217onq wrote

I think the other comments already made the case on how climate drastically changes based on geographically features. Just because the coast isn’t too far away, it doesn’t mean that the weather isn’t drastically different.

Moving 171 miles away in the same country, isn’t exactly uprooting your life either


halfbakedblake t1_j1z62rv wrote

The comments below were similar to what I was going to say. Except we are land locked. Didn't see that comment.