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cpujockey t1_j1zpuko wrote

Rino. Former 2000's democrat.

You really paid no attention to the fact that we had supply shortages on things like masks, toilet paper and other products during the beginning of the pandemic.


5teerPike t1_j1zqlle wrote

I remember trump having a lot more to do with that than the average republican would care to acknowledge. And I never ran out of any of those things in Vermont. Which, let's face it, only did so well because of the low population density, and that we actually made people wear masks at all. Drop the masking and what? We're shocked it's back and causing problems? Sure. Ok /s.

Also, does this mean you voted for Bush?


cpujockey t1_j1zrmq8 wrote

> I remember trump having a lot more to do with that than the average republican would care to acknowledge.

Not a trumper - sorry.

> Does this mean you also voted for Bush?

No, I was a democrat through high school until the 2016 election. After watching the DNC collude against Bernie at the top levels with DWS at the helm I realized I wanted nothing to do with democrats. Essentially politically homeless, but caucus with hill billies. Did not vote for trump, but did not vote for Hillary either. (that woman has a lot of skeletons in her closet. did ya hear about the haiti relief fund the Clinton foundation took nearly all the money from?)

While I am a rino, I don't follow the public platform of the GOP, that's what the name RINO implies. Think more like Phil Scott and not your crazy Obama hating uncle. In fact, I think Obama was the last respectable president we had IMHO.

Simply put - liberal with social policy, conservative with fiscal policy, live a rural life, work in tech, make things with my hands for fun.


5teerPike t1_j1zslu0 wrote

Conservative fiscal policy is a driving force behind the social unrest you claim to care to change. Fiscal and social policy are not in separate vacuums lmfao

I don't like Phil Scott either, seeing as he won't raise the state minimum wage and decided to lift mask mandates, which is causing a lot of our labor shortages now.

"Former 2000s democrat" is confusing phrasing you should change by the way.