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cpujockey t1_j1zrmq8 wrote

> I remember trump having a lot more to do with that than the average republican would care to acknowledge.

Not a trumper - sorry.

> Does this mean you also voted for Bush?

No, I was a democrat through high school until the 2016 election. After watching the DNC collude against Bernie at the top levels with DWS at the helm I realized I wanted nothing to do with democrats. Essentially politically homeless, but caucus with hill billies. Did not vote for trump, but did not vote for Hillary either. (that woman has a lot of skeletons in her closet. did ya hear about the haiti relief fund the Clinton foundation took nearly all the money from?)

While I am a rino, I don't follow the public platform of the GOP, that's what the name RINO implies. Think more like Phil Scott and not your crazy Obama hating uncle. In fact, I think Obama was the last respectable president we had IMHO.

Simply put - liberal with social policy, conservative with fiscal policy, live a rural life, work in tech, make things with my hands for fun.


5teerPike t1_j1zslu0 wrote

Conservative fiscal policy is a driving force behind the social unrest you claim to care to change. Fiscal and social policy are not in separate vacuums lmfao

I don't like Phil Scott either, seeing as he won't raise the state minimum wage and decided to lift mask mandates, which is causing a lot of our labor shortages now.

"Former 2000s democrat" is confusing phrasing you should change by the way.