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Loudergood t1_j21hvkz wrote

Funny, my house value almost doubled and my taxes haven't increased at all.


NEK_USA t1_j21l8sw wrote

Very odd, unless it's not town assessed value and you're referring to sale value such as on zillow. Our town assessed value keeps increasing and taxes are up $1200 more last year.


Loudergood t1_j21my7l wrote

Oh yes, my town assessment didn't budge.

That said, appraisal isn't allowed to change the total tax revenue of the town anyway. The only exception I've seen to that is places like Burlington where commercial properties dropped in value like a rock because no one wants to buy a hotel or restaurant during COVID. This forced them to use residential rates to make up the difference.


NEK_USA t1_j21pcem wrote

Wow. Aweful at a time people are most vulnerable.

We should have appealed our town assessment. They raised the town value of our house $30,000 2 months after we bought it,, which was almost $40,000 more than we just paid for it. Then this past year it went up another $46,000 with the town assessment. We will come up with the difference but one day it will be just too much if it keeps up at this pace.