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thisoneisnotasbad t1_iyqzru2 wrote

There is another way. It was built in Berlin. The issue is that the accepted population was changed from mentally ill to mentally ill and dangerous.

The normalization or “neuro divergence” has made it so society allows people without the ability to successfully care for themselves to be “independent”. Meaning exactly what others have said. Inserted back into an unprepared society with minimal support services delivered by what is in effect (due to funding sources) a quasi government agency.

The people who live in NYC hate to admit it but the reason that city is habitual again is Giuliani basically made being homeless and mentally ill a crime and institutionalized that population.


No-Ganache7168 t1_iyr1nia wrote

My brother lived and works in NYC. The mentally ill are everywhere, mostly just trying to survive but a large number are making it unsafe to take the subway or walk down the street. So Adams has decided to forcibly institutionalize those that are dangerous. Meanwhile, it’s not certain where they will be sent or if there will be new services for those who aren’t dangerous but are living on the streets


thisoneisnotasbad t1_iyr2e8i wrote

It has slid backwards for sure.

I was referring to NYC in the late 70s and 80s when between homeless and gangs it was basically a war zone.


Me_Myself_And_IAM t1_iyuvhrg wrote

Another Way is in Montpelier. If I even imply I am on disability. Despite the fact that I have a learning issue, the residents direct me there all the time. It has become a bit insulting.

The folks that go there aren’t terrible, but it isn’t for everyone. The place is packed with drug addicts and homeless of all stripes. It’s more of an overflow shelter for the homeless now.

There was a time that it had a sort of family vibe to it too.

To my thinking: the ignorant professionals and clueless do gooders that keep directing people there may wish to volunteer their services to Another Way. They certainly seem to love the place so much!


thisoneisnotasbad t1_iyv9i1h wrote

I did not mean the organization, Lower case another way. Different way. Alternate way.... (the iPad liked to capitalize shit when I make typos). I meant the new state hospital built near CVMC at the top of the hill.

Combined, all the mid level housing for those with mental illness there are about 50 beds in all of Washington county.