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nozamy t1_iysp5gg wrote

I support logging on Nat Forests if done responsibly. You can bet that the foresters managing the cuts care for the environment and responsible land management. They are professionals and public servants. Very little old growth forest is left in Vermont and mature forests should be in rotation for cutting. Lots of species occur in disturbed and successional forests. With out disturbances, you just don’t get certain species of plants and birds. So responsible forestry yes, fear mongering NIMBY no.


Chess_Not_Checkers t1_iyt0hry wrote

The Black Hills NF is a great example of forest mismanagement. Logging and maintenance has been at a standstill and the forest has been ravaged by pine beetles for the last decade and change due to forest overcrowding. The reality is that forests have never just grown unchecked, if we don't let sections burn then we must maintain them.


Rich_Depth7314 t1_iyvbao6 wrote

I'm sorry, but have you ever been there? I've worked backcountry biology jobs in the black hills, and there are old fire areas absolutely everywhere. USFS says they average 99 wildfires per year - that not enough for you?