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birdshitluck t1_iz96hwu wrote

I really appreciate you going into detail, especially since it was probably something very uncomfortable. I've heard and witnessed similar stories albeit with different programs that are very close to yours. Out of pocket training costs, you'll be reimbursed, pushing to place people only into retail jobs.

Thanks! I'll look into VCIL. I have this idea where I'd like to either start my own program, or try to become a branch on an existing one, where the goal is to provided detailed training for professional jobs like Accounting, Finance, and Paralegal. Bring in either retired professionals to mentor, or ones currently working that want to help out. Also in certain jobs maybe develop a remote work program to get people setup to work from home with a mentor guiding them.

It's just an idea right now, but I'm interested in building it out as I feel it could work, and that funding wise it would be attractive to people looking for better jobs than just retail, the granting agencies and to the business community as a whole.

If you need any legal help with your case, please dm me and I'll see what I can do.