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Galadrond t1_iz6s987 wrote

The Transitional Housing Program has been an abject failure. It would have been vastly cheaper to have bought out these hotels rather than continuing to pay out the nose for rooms at increasingly abusive locations.


No-Ganache7168 t1_iz7cikd wrote

Absolutely. Most are barely scraping by and would have agreed to a sale. We've purchased them 100 times over at this point.


BeckyKleitz t1_iz96szr wrote

That was proposed waaaay back in the 90's and the hotel owners scoffed at it. Wanted no part in it.

You can't force folks to participate in a program like that if they don't want to. Of course, they want to sell them now, 25 years later when they're dilapidated and disgusting. Those places should be condemned and taken over by the state then they can raze them or renovate them into compliance.


lindrios OP t1_iz9op13 wrote

Also as part of that proposal in the 90's...

AHS lobbied to have "landlord/tenant" rights removed from hospitality zoning so there was no conflict with length of stay being longer than 28 days.

The consequences of this is that it has now removed ALL of the housing rights afforded to individuals in GA housing programs such as the Transitional Housing Program