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bobsizzle t1_izgos0c wrote

That place is a dump. But at some point, there is a reason why the people that live there, do. Bad choices. It's putting a bunch of criminals and addicts in one location. People who don't always want to actually be productive citizens. Some would rather live off the state and use and or sell drugs. There might be a few good people staying there, but sometimes a few ruin it for the rest. They need to help people who actually contribute to society with housing. There are plenty of Jobs around. 15 isn't a lot, but you can get by with it for a while as long as you're not spending half of what you make on rent. They should have work requirements for a lot of these programs. If you can work and refuse, you can live under a bridge in a tent. There's no personal accountability anymore. I've seen so many 'disabled' people doing things that are just as physically hard as something they'd do at work