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Nutmegdog1959 t1_izgoood wrote

The instate/OOstate tuition gambit is the same at virtually every state university. Total costs are typically 2:1 out vs in state. VT is little different in that regard.

Where VT is unique with the exception of other tiny population states near large population centers like URI and UNH (excluding the military academies) UVM is 4:1 out vs in state. Those students still are admitted need blind (allegedly) and receive financial aid. I would wager, however, that a large percentage of the OOstate students parents just scratch out a fat check come tuition time.

And don't forget the Chinese students who pre-pandemic numbered 500 and received ZERO financial aid. They were the biggest cash cow UVM ever saw. UVM would happily kick an in-stater to the curb in favor of a Chinese if they thought they could get away with it.

The Green & Gold program, Catamount Committment and the UVM Promise (under $60k income) program starting Fall 2023 are all recent programs initiated within the last five years.

I still maintain that $60k is not a lot of income in VT. And realistically $100k is not a lot in certain areas, especially when faced with a $33k four year annual bill, even accounting for aide of as much as half.

If you burden your kid with say $15k x 4yrs, student loans that's still a heavy lode to carry. And certainly weighs heavy on grad school decisions. With so many employers requiring degree inflated credentials of masters degrees, it's a lot of pressure on kids.

VT has a long way to go to educate a workforce, keep the kids in VT, breed more VTers and increase the tax base.