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Kitchen_Nail_6779 t1_j28g0si wrote

No, we really don't.


Soci3talCollaps3 t1_j2awbu7 wrote

Hallelujah. We definitely don't.

I still remember liking little Ceasars 25 years ago, but I have spent the past 20 years trying to remember why.

Edited to add: with that said, there is a need for lower cost options, but there has to be a better way to get there.


NoMidnight5366 t1_j28qbgj wrote

The reason so many of us love Vermont is because it is not a soulless, culturally sterile corporate economy of strip malls, center-less, boulevard towns full of Appleby’s and Olive Gardens. Let’s keep it that way.


ThirdFirstName t1_j29gz56 wrote

Sure but there needs to be cheaper options available. Im being priced out of eating. And I make almost every single meal I eat.


DamonKatze t1_j28uarn wrote

>culturally sterile corporate economy of strip malls, center-less, boulevard towns full of Appleby’s and Olive Gardens".

Hyperbole. I hardly think a few Little Cesars scattered around the state would constitute corporate sprawl. It actually might make some of these small town pizzarias step up their game as there are some really bad pizza places out there charging a lot for a shit product.
I think many people forget that we used to have Little Cesars all over Vermont years ago.


kabfighter2 t1_j29cwox wrote

Yeah, this was kind of my sentiment and then I got downvoted into oblivion. I used to work in Rutland and after 12-hour days it was nice to be able to roll through the drive through at Little Caesar's and get a pizza for dirt-cheap that wasn't great but scratched the pizza itch. My town has two pizza places: one that is open pretty much whenever they feel like it, and another that has pizza that is really lacking in quality. I have to drive to the next town over to get a decent pizza, and it costs me about $17 plus the gas to get there and back. I travel for work now, and Vermont's restaurant scene is bad. Even the places that you think are locally owned and sourced are run by shysters getting a weekly delivery from Sysco. Vermont just has a nice, local veneer over our crappy food rather than a corporate logo.


[deleted] t1_j28j71v wrote

Are you trolling? Little Caesar’s sucks. There’s already enough bad pizza in Vermont.


Green_Message_6376 t1_j29m7ua wrote

That bad pizza wouldn't look so bad next to Little Caesar's, there may be a method to OP's madness. He probs owns one of those bad pizza joints you mentioned.


wasowka t1_j289v3e wrote

I don’t care for chain restaurants. Frankly I don’t trust them. And I don’t like their food. However, having said that, though I like to support locally owned restaurants, here in southern Vermont they have become so exorbitantly expensive that I feel I’m being unfairly ripped off. So now I support neither- and have simply learned to be a better cook at home. I’m healthier for it and I save money. Pizza is easy.


kabfighter2 t1_j29hxmg wrote

If anything, I trust the chains a bit more as far as food safety is concerned. They have deeper pockets and are very interested in not getting their pants sued off.


MarkVII88 t1_j28nqla wrote

I'd be concerned about anyone who wants more Little Caesar's anywhere. Seriously, if your main criteria is that it's cheaper, then you probably shouldn't be dining out anyway. Save your money and make some goddamn PBJ sandwiches to go with your White Claw and Mike's Hard Lemonade.


kabfighter2 t1_j29do6z wrote

I have never felt so personally attacked yet amused at the same time. You get the upvote, my friend.


09372147065280086321 t1_j28jrdv wrote

America is a big place. You shouldn't have any trouble finding some outside of Vermont....


btvaaron t1_j28ocnl wrote

We had multiple Little Caesar's years ago, and they are all gone, and for good reason - they were just not very good. Fine with me if they don't come back.


Loudergood t1_j2be3lx wrote

Not all, there's still one in the far out part of Essex.


zombienutz1 t1_j293okl wrote

There's one going in on Williston Rd near Al's I believe. They're fine for the price but Domino's already has pretty low carry out prices.


JaxBratt t1_j28kkqj wrote

Yeah, let’s make Vermont a soulless corporate hell scape like everywhere else…. ummm, hard pass.


nyc2vt84 t1_j29fcyu wrote

I think ramuntos is very solid pizza and that’s a chain with good coverage in the state. It’s buff chick is among the best I have had anywhere. Ipie In killington, American flatbread in middlebury, Number of places in Burlington are good. Nowhere needs more little Cesar’s. Buy a frozen American flatbread for not much more and put it in your oven. Significantly better tasting and better for you.


joycethegod t1_j29onke wrote

A whole lot of people on this post seem to really need to pay 20 bucks minimum for a medium pizza.


kabfighter2 t1_j29q9kt wrote

Yeah baby, gotta get me that $20 hardtack crust, ketchup sauce, and bagged, pre-shredded mozz because it's "local". Vermont restauranteurs are all using the best local ingredients, paying their staff fair wages, making large charitable contributions regularly, and providing a great value to the good people of their communities.


SilentUnicorn t1_j28l6l3 wrote

I seem to remember one in Rutland a while ago- they didn't make it for long.


kabfighter2 t1_j29e2hs wrote

Still right there on Route 4. Best drive through pizza in the state!


bleahdeebleah t1_j28z5tf wrote

I'm going to be That Guy today.

It's so weird because pizza is so easy to make at home. You can get prebaked crusts at the store soon you don't have to roll it out or anything, shredded cheese, premade sauce, even presliced pepperoni and precooked sausage.

Takes one minute to throw together, it's cheaper, and better.


Moth4Moth t1_j2bnlnq wrote

Never tried the prebaked crust, never trusted that it'd be good.

Guess I better step my game up.

It's a 30 min drive to the closest pizza and frozen is no bueno. Thanks


VermontArmyBrat t1_j29ewxc wrote

It takes well more than a minute if you are doing it right, rest the dough at room temp, etc. Oven needs to be real hot. I managed multiple dominos back in the day and then I owned my own place for a few years, so yes it is easy to make a pizza if you have the ingredients but it’s also a bit messy and time consuming, hence the reason people buy pizza out.

But also, yes little Cesar’s sucks. On the other hand, it is a franchise so anyone could open one should they chose


bleahdeebleah t1_j29fnp6 wrote

That's why I specified the prebaked crust, like a boboli. You do have to wait for the oven to heat up.


VermontArmyBrat t1_j29ii01 wrote

My bad. We buy the pizza dough balls that are in most grocery stores. Often times the only dough in the store is still partially frozen.

You are correct on the prebaked crusts. But those are barely better than little Cesar


bleahdeebleah t1_j29ksz9 wrote

No prob! Actually we buy those also, they are great.

My goal was to show how you could make something better (even barely) than Little Ceasar's with as little effort as possible. That's why I also specified presliced pepperoni and precooked sausage.

When we make pizza it is a production and a half. But way beyond anything you can get takeout.


fjwjr t1_j29dirb wrote

Who’s going to work there? Can’t get help anywhere as it is…


Meatloaf0220 t1_j29198v wrote

We really don’t. It’s garbage food with garbage ingredients.


Unique-Public-8594 t1_j294iup wrote

Gross. Just… no.


If that’s your thing, you belong elsewhere.


No-Ganache7168 t1_j29hju6 wrote

No. We need one as much as we need another McDonald’s


WantDastardlyBack t1_j29l8ja wrote

There is one supposedly coming back to St. Albans and I don't understand why. We had one. It tanked and shut down. The city already has Dominos, Pizza Hut, Pie in the Sky, Mimmo's, the return of whatever they're calling One Federal now, Tim's Place, Twiggs, and Mill River for pizza or flatbreads, (I think that's all of them) the last thing that's needed is another pizza place.


enek101 t1_j29skxn wrote

idk id take a dominoes over Little C's. Ill admit tho Little C's cheesy bread is top tier but doms got better pizza i think


Twombls t1_j296jyq wrote

Theres some good pizza if you know where to look.


Fast_Huckleberry_183 t1_j29twdu wrote

I like domino's. They are cheap and good. There are something like 5 of them in or near Burlington. 2 near Montpelier. We don't need Little Ceasar's.


Allemaengel t1_j2azsp6 wrote

You really don't want that crap.

We've had that down here in PA for nearly 40 years and I won't eat it.

A halfway decent local pizza shop hands-down represents your better bet.


Embarrassed-Shape-69 t1_j2b05un wrote

We had Ramuntos in East Montpelier last week and it was pretty good, no complaints here and cheap too. They are a Jiffy Mart brand.


imyourhuckleberry716 t1_j2b2j8j wrote

Little Caesar’s is garbage - You’ve got decent pie up there; nothing of the Buffalo style cheesy goodness with cup and char pepperoni, but Folino’s is tasty af


stokeledge2 t1_j2b9atj wrote

Little Caesar’s? Nahhh. If anything Vermont needs western/southern fast food that actually tastes good like in n out, chic fil a, cook out, or canes.


hunny_bun_24 OP t1_j2cyzr1 wrote

You guys don’t deserve top tier fast food yet. Gotta humble yourself first


anybody98765 t1_j2bb5kf wrote

It’s so bad the only time we bought it we had to toss it into the trash immediately. Everyone in the family was disgusted by how horrible it was.


97PunkRawk t1_j2bcckn wrote

We absolutely do not lol. Horrid food


hunny_bun_24 OP t1_j2f2upq wrote

You make it seem like Vermont cooks actually know how to work a kitchen lol


[deleted] t1_j29ftth wrote



kabfighter2 t1_j29js24 wrote

"Chain restaurants = how shitty can we make the ingredients to maximize profits. No thanks"



kabfighter2 t1_j27reog wrote

Little Caesar’s honestly makes twice as good a pizza for half the price compared to the local joint. And crazy bread and sauce? Fuhgettaboutit.


bizarre_pencil t1_j2ap42m wrote

Lmao so many joyless misery guts in this thread. It’s satisfying pizza for cheap just don’t except top shelf