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Unique-Public-8594 t1_j1uenrl wrote

It is not the 1st yet. Wait and see.

Don’t harass them.

After the first, maybe the landlord/sublessor pay $30 to LegalShield to get an inexpensive lawyer to start eviction process? (Although LegalShield gets mixed reviews)

Also, r/legal might have some tips.

Is this a sublet?

Is it a legal sublet?


hoooch t1_j1upe93 wrote

Tenants don’t have standing to evict, it’s on the landlord to bring an action for possession.


Vermontess t1_j1v9nwd wrote

Tenants can evict subtenants. OP posted and ghosted without many details so hard to tell how the lease was structured and what their options may be


hoooch t1_j1vjwbt wrote

True, though since they describe it as “moving in” it seems like a new lease and not a sub of an existing lease


meinblown t1_j1v15la wrote

And if the current tenant decides to renew their lease, and keeps paying then, there is absolutely nothing you can do. And why would the landlord do anything when they already have a paying tenant?


VTtransplant t1_j1uuu1m wrote

Last I heard (and it's been a long while) people cannot be evicted in Winter in Vermont.


Meow_Meow_4_Life t1_j1uvinc wrote

So if it’s summer time you have a claim to make them vacate your home or property?


VTtransplant t1_j1uxdq4 wrote

Apparently, they can be evicted in Winter: "NOTICE: A tenant can be evicted at any time of year, even in the winter, and even if the tenant has children or a disability, provided the tenant has been given a proper notice and legal process." When my in-laws evicted someone (1985) they had to go to court and the process took a couple months.