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woden_spoon t1_j1e4lm4 wrote

I've blocked u/Impressive-Height-22 and have reported them to the mods. I suggest that other users of this sub do the same instead of engaging them any further.

u/Impressive-Height-22 is displaying signs of borderline personality disorder, narcissistic personality disorder, and histrionic personality disorder. They really should seek a therapist. In fact, they should probably check themselves into the ER, because I get the sense that they are on the verge of a mental breakdown. They will probably say I am bullying them because I've said this, but I am being absolutely earnest about it. They are obviously under an unhealthy amount of psychological duress, and Reddit is terrible for the mental health of some individuals (let's face it: it isn't really any good for anyone), particularly those with BPAD and related psychological disorders.


Hisdudeness1997 t1_j1e7dg2 wrote

Or…. It’s just a kid trolling….


woden_spoon t1_j1e8id0 wrote

It could be, but if someone spends every waking moment during their Christmas vacation doing that, they still need help.


kambleton t1_j1e8z39 wrote

I understand the sentiment, I just don't agree with diagnosing somebody through their internet behaviour. We have no idea how much of this is genuine.


woden_spoon t1_j1ea3e3 wrote

Fair point, but if someone was threatening suicide, I'd tell them they should call a hotline, etc. regardless of whether I think they are being genuine.

If they actually are struggling with mental illness, they might need someone else to point out the absurdity of their behavior, because they probably won't recognize it on their own.