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Pongpianskul t1_j1qsnxy wrote

It's been a hard year for me too. My mother died 2 months ago, my best friend of 38 years died in March and my dog died a few days before him. No presents. Outages on and off so no fancy cooking either. Tuna salad sandwich good enough. Streamed some corny movies for free and smoked a lot of the recent harvest.

But I still have 2 great dogs and for the time being, light and warmth and cookies.

I hope we will have more joyful times ahead but in the meantime, know that you are far from alone and take good care.


Sexcercise OP t1_j1qtf4n wrote

Sweet jesus I'm sorry, it's definitely been one helluva year for sure. I'm thankful for not having any outages but there are plenty around me. I've got some ramen cups for if I'm not feeling like doing food prep and making a meal.

May you and your doggos have a safe and warm winter.