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mr_chip_douglas t1_j1qxaur wrote

Reply to comment by Sexcercise in A lonely holiday by Sexcercise

Ah Elder Scrolls Online, my mistake. Have you played Skyrim before?


Sexcercise OP t1_j1qxg9h wrote

I sure have lost many hours of my life playing Skyrim lol years ago I'm hesitant on PC gaming, I like consoles and a TV.


Kixeliz t1_j1qydg9 wrote

Have you tried any of the Fallout games? Particularly Fallout 3 and New Vegas are great time sucks. RPG elements with some choose your own adventure set in a post-apocalyptic hellscape. Fun times.


Sexcercise OP t1_j1qyw8g wrote

I haven't!

They do look interesting, I like the graphics.

I'd love to just watch someone play my old favorites from PS2 days haha


mr_chip_douglas t1_j1r2e7m wrote

Dude, Fallout 3 and New Vegas are IMO top games of all time. What I would give to go back fresh and play them again! I’d start there.


Kixeliz t1_j1qzk24 wrote

Speaking of which, if you like Skyrim you'll probably love Elder Scrolls Morrowind if you haven't played that yet. It's my favorite of the series. You can do pretty much whatever you like, little hand holding and so many different directions you could go. The first open world where it truly felt open.


Professor_Hexx t1_j1uklig wrote

> I'd love to just watch someone play my old favorites from PS2 days

Have you tried checking out Twitch? there may be people streaming them now! what are some of your favorite PS2 games? My fav from that era would have to probably be Final Fantasy X and FFX-2.


Sexcercise OP t1_j1um52u wrote

I actually have, not in quite a while, I should look into it again


mr_chip_douglas t1_j1r26ya wrote

I hear you, I was a console gamer growing up (born 88) and never feel comfortable gaming at a desk. My setup is quite elaborate, but I have multiple monitors at a desk for FPS multiplayer gaming, and a TV hooked up to the GPU, a comfy chair and wired controller for single player games.