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CHECK_FLOKI t1_j1r1a88 wrote

Sorry to hear this.

How do you hope to change this next year?

Are you making an effort to make new friends and connect with old ones? Reconnecting with family? Finding a significant other?


Sexcercise OP t1_j1r1rok wrote

Well, next year is going to be the last of my 20s so I'm hoping it'll be fun, it's ultimately what I make of it. I need to go to the gym, I want to rebuild my savings, prepare to move out of this state. Possibly visit my sister overseas.

Ultimately, I just want to love myself and be happy with what I look at in the mirror.


CHECK_FLOKI t1_j1r7gb8 wrote

Absolutely! Can't love someone else if you don't love yourself first!

2023 will be a better year.


pondusedtobeupthere t1_j1s8a3g wrote

Maybe visualising your trip, write a timeline down for a few things might help you focus forward? Fostering is a wonderful idea as well.