Submitted by Sexcercise t3_zvrkfq in vermont

Is anyone else trying to keep their chin up during the holiday season?

Feigning the seasonal cheer, with a side of small talk of my embellished Christmas plans of cleaning and watching holiday movies. (When in reality it's just streaming with my handy dandy bong)

Trying to fight off that deeply pitted jealousy that creeps up when I hear coworkers talking of their family gatherings, soon it'll change to everyone talking about all their gifts and family dinners.

This holiday season has been exceptionally hard as I'm alone for the first time, no companion or furbaby.

I understand that I have a lot to be grateful for. But it doesn't make the loneliness any less lonely. It's heavy.

Thank you for reading.

Edit: thank you for the warm wishes and heartfelt comments, as well as the families that reached out and offered a place to hang(totally made me cry)

Your hospitality is a reason people should move here.



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Pongpianskul t1_j1qsnxy wrote

It's been a hard year for me too. My mother died 2 months ago, my best friend of 38 years died in March and my dog died a few days before him. No presents. Outages on and off so no fancy cooking either. Tuna salad sandwich good enough. Streamed some corny movies for free and smoked a lot of the recent harvest.

But I still have 2 great dogs and for the time being, light and warmth and cookies.

I hope we will have more joyful times ahead but in the meantime, know that you are far from alone and take good care.


Sexcercise OP t1_j1qtf4n wrote

Sweet jesus I'm sorry, it's definitely been one helluva year for sure. I'm thankful for not having any outages but there are plenty around me. I've got some ramen cups for if I'm not feeling like doing food prep and making a meal.

May you and your doggos have a safe and warm winter.


merikus t1_j1qv7n6 wrote

So sorry to hear that you’re having a hard time. I think there’s a lot of good advice in this thread, but I just wanted to add an additional thing.

You said:

> Trying to fight off that deeply pitted jealousy that creeps up when I hear coworkers talking of their family gatherings, soon it’ll change to everyone talking about all their gifts and family dinners.

I think it’s important to keep in mind that people only advertise the good stuff. So when friends and coworkers are talking about big family gatherings, posting fun photos on social media, and talking about that awesome gift they got, they are curating that to make them look like they’re having an awesome time and everything is great.

They are not telling others about the difficulties their family may be going through, or how they can only put up with less than 24 hours of family due to deep seated dysfunction, or whatever it may be.

I hope you find a way to treat yourself this holiday season and enjoy it on your own terms. Make it your own and do what you enjoy!


Sexcercise OP t1_j1qw5tx wrote

Thank you for your response and perspective. It definitely is a better mindset and is also pretty realistic.

I was thinking of eating some mush, hoping I can find peace in my own company during the holidays but am also worried that the sadness my impact my trip.

Please have a safe and warm winter.


Otto-Korrect t1_j1rwi32 wrote

That is why Facebook is so poisonous. You end uo comparing your real life to somebody else's embellished and exaggerated one.


kthxbye5 t1_j1qowt0 wrote

Hang in there. Find something to do every day, bonus if it's something you do for yourself.


Sexcercise OP t1_j1qqg9w wrote

Thank you. I've been cleaning. Gives me that sense of control. I ordered a PC console controller in hopes of getting back into gaming. I listen to a lot of music, try to get some blood flowing and dance a little. My speaker is somewhat of an antique :x


UnidentifiedAsshole t1_j1qrnmv wrote

I watched four episodes on Seinfeld while cleaning today. I think the worst part of this year is feeling extremely broke and there being nothing to do unless you have money or want to spend the day hiking. I hiked yesterday though :-/


Sexcercise OP t1_j1qt5ao wrote

I'm currently watching Locke & Key. Seinfeld is one of those shows that I could forever rewatch. And yeah, there isn't much to do in Vermont unless you have that play money for snow sports. Good on you for taking a hike though!


mr_chip_douglas t1_j1qw2p7 wrote

Which controller did you get? What games do you play?


Sexcercise OP t1_j1qwa6q wrote

I bought a generic xbox controller for my laptop, I was thinking of either Elder Scrolls or Skyrim.


mr_chip_douglas t1_j1qwtg7 wrote

Do you mean Elden ring? Skyrim the fifth installment of the Elder Scrolls games.

I got the FUSION Xbox controller for pc gaming. It’s wired, I have no need for wireless at my PC. I’ve been so happy with it.


Sexcercise OP t1_j1qx665 wrote

Um I think ESO? I haven't tried Elder Scrolls online, I want to try Skyrim again, and I wouldn't mind trying Elden Ring

The one I bought is also wired


mr_chip_douglas t1_j1qxaur wrote

Ah Elder Scrolls Online, my mistake. Have you played Skyrim before?


Sexcercise OP t1_j1qxg9h wrote

I sure have lost many hours of my life playing Skyrim lol years ago I'm hesitant on PC gaming, I like consoles and a TV.


Kixeliz t1_j1qydg9 wrote

Have you tried any of the Fallout games? Particularly Fallout 3 and New Vegas are great time sucks. RPG elements with some choose your own adventure set in a post-apocalyptic hellscape. Fun times.


Sexcercise OP t1_j1qyw8g wrote

I haven't!

They do look interesting, I like the graphics.

I'd love to just watch someone play my old favorites from PS2 days haha


mr_chip_douglas t1_j1r2e7m wrote

Dude, Fallout 3 and New Vegas are IMO top games of all time. What I would give to go back fresh and play them again! I’d start there.


Kixeliz t1_j1qzk24 wrote

Speaking of which, if you like Skyrim you'll probably love Elder Scrolls Morrowind if you haven't played that yet. It's my favorite of the series. You can do pretty much whatever you like, little hand holding and so many different directions you could go. The first open world where it truly felt open.


Professor_Hexx t1_j1uklig wrote

> I'd love to just watch someone play my old favorites from PS2 days

Have you tried checking out Twitch? there may be people streaming them now! what are some of your favorite PS2 games? My fav from that era would have to probably be Final Fantasy X and FFX-2.


Sexcercise OP t1_j1um52u wrote

I actually have, not in quite a while, I should look into it again


mr_chip_douglas t1_j1r26ya wrote

I hear you, I was a console gamer growing up (born 88) and never feel comfortable gaming at a desk. My setup is quite elaborate, but I have multiple monitors at a desk for FPS multiplayer gaming, and a TV hooked up to the GPU, a comfy chair and wired controller for single player games.


Professor_Hexx t1_j1ukcxn wrote

ESO? it's super fun. If you end up playing and want some help getting started let me know. Been playing a while but haven't lately due to life. If you haven't played Fallout 3, New Vegas, and 4 you are in for a fun ride. What kind of console do you have? Depending on the console I have a copy of Fallout 3 you can just have (I PC game mostly nowadays, but the PC is hooked to the TV and I use a controller for some games).


Professor_Hexx t1_j1qtu9z wrote

I'm sorry, but I totally understand. Holidays have always been difficult with my family. Violence when i was a child makes the holidays something to be avoided and every year its "pretend to have holiday cheer" so as not ti be that grinch but it just makes you want to stay away from everyone. We have been totally holiday free for a few years now and it is kind of nice to just sit on the couch and ignore the world. Good luck with the gaming and hope you are able to ignore all the holiday cheer and relax. Its little help, but we when we have our holiday bong later we will think of you in solidarity, so someone is thinking of you!


Sexcercise OP t1_j1qua4r wrote

Thank you!

I do realize the alternative to a quiet and lonesome Christmas is a chaotic drama filled gathering sometimes haha

Stay safe and warm this winter!


Professor_Hexx t1_j1shpq8 wrote

You as well! And if you find yourself in the unfortunate situation of being in the Springfield area and are ok with eating out with a couple of randos let us know.


MudaThumpa t1_j1qsppd wrote

Most of us go through some years like that. For me it was my late teens and early twenties. You might try Meetup to see if there are groups in your area that appeal to you.


Sexcercise OP t1_j1qtkay wrote

I should look into it, I've heard of it, I've been on the website, but never really followed through with anything. Thank you for the reminder!


Total-Bag-8973 t1_j1qsqoo wrote

I know it's hard. Just make yourself a steaming mug of hot chocolate and daydream. That's what I did when I had to isolate for covid.

Peace to you.


Sexcercise OP t1_j1qtn3c wrote

Thank you, I've been drinking an ungodly amount of tea.


Green_Message_6376 t1_j1qwwbx wrote

Yeah you're not alone friend and thanks for your post, you just provided an opportunity for a good discussion. We are all little Matchstick girls this Boxing day, but at least we didn't freeze to death in a snow bank.

'I'm looking in on the good life, I might be doomed never to find.' -the Shins.

And remember pot gets you through times of no Christmas better than Christmas gets you through times of no pot. -not encouraging pot use, but you did mention your handy dandy bong.


Sexcercise OP t1_j1qxbum wrote

I've got my handy dandy bong and vibrator and all the tea I could need. Thank you for your reassurances. Please stay warm and safe this winter!


[deleted] t1_j1rlwyz wrote

Yeah I read this comment 12 times. Good for you . A plan in place . Hang in there.


Fast-Cryptographer17 t1_j1qteqz wrote

Cleaning and gaming are things I do too too keep myself occupied. I try to get outside at least for a few minutes every day if possible. A few minutes in the sun, hearing the birds, helps elevate my mood. It's tough when it gets dark so early, thankfully we're getting a few more minutes of sun every day now.


Sexcercise OP t1_j1qtu6l wrote

The daylight saving bullshit really gets to me, leaving work in the dark and coming home feeling like it's bedtime really does take a toll on your overall productivity.

I'm trying to find the motivation to get back into gaming.


VermontFella t1_j1qtnr6 wrote

Bad year here too. First holiday since separation/divorce, didn’t get to see my daughter on Xmas day. Broke up with a lady a couple weeks ago, I really liked her but it just wasn’t going to work out. Then realized that my “dating” anniversary with my ex passed as well. Lots to take on and think about this holiday season. I just stayed home and smoked hash while cleaning and organizing. Maybe next year will be better????


Sexcercise OP t1_j1qu26h wrote

I hear you! I ended a 7yr relationship this year so this Christmas was just kind of moot. I've been bonging hard and drinking tea. I've got my handy dandy vibrator to keep me company, too.

God knows I'm ready for 2023.


wasowka t1_j1r441t wrote

Feeling the same. Christmas nostalgia just kills me. I get through it by keeping busy. I read books, practice my guitar, cook something, clean, meditate, study French, exercise. All this keeps me feeling like I have a purpose and a challenge. No looking back, just move forward my friend, just move forward.


Sexcercise OP t1_j1r4fd3 wrote

Yes, the Christmas nostalgia and everything I used to love about Christmas growing up, is now what makes me sad. Where can I find your drive?


wasowka t1_j1r5bam wrote

I don’t know. It’s all I have. It’s a lifeline for me. You’re not alone in feeling the way you do.


21stCenturyJanes t1_j1qtznr wrote

Sorry you're having a tough time but happy day after Christmas! The holidays can be tough and it does always sound like everyone has great plans but remember, a lot of people don't. They just don't talk about it as much. And if you want to be reminded of the reality of spending time with family, just read AITA today, lol. It is hard to be alone this time of year though, I get it. Go outside and enjoy the sunshine, you'll feel much better!


Sexcercise OP t1_j1quf6w wrote

Heck, I wish there was some sunshine today but it's a cold and cloudy day. I'm not built for this weather so ya definitely won't catch me outside haha

Have a safe and warm winter!


Green_Message_6376 t1_j1qydad wrote

Your damned courage to post this and all the responses, encouragement and personal stories has warmed up my cold cynical heart. You are reddit sunshine today and I have no awards or gifts to give in return, except a huge fucking thanks.


Sexcercise OP t1_j1qyo2m wrote

I'm always glad when I can throw in even a kernel of heart warmth towards a "cold cynical heart" who probably just needs a really genuine hug.


ClassicThought1 t1_j1qxar9 wrote

I sent you a message, I really hope you’re not alone for new years.


manofsticks t1_j1qxhf0 wrote

You mention it being your first time without a companion/pet; I'm going under the assumption that you lost a pet. In that case, I highly recommend beginning the adoption process for a new pet once you feel like you've done the appropriate amount of grieving.

In my experience, both positive and negative feelings around loneliness will snowball; being able to have one positive boost will help other positives come easier, and help fight back the negatives. Being able to adopt a pet is a much more "in your control" situation than gaining a companion/new human friend. I don't have a dog, but I've heard dog owners say it's a great way to meet new humans while on walks/visits to dog parks as well.

I know when I hit peak-loneliness in mid-2021, my cat was an enormous help.


Sexcercise OP t1_j1qxx20 wrote

I totally understand this, thank you. I'm considering fostering a cat, I've never owned a cat so I don't want to adopt right away. I have a pet turtle but my apartment isn't big enough to house his tub so he's still at my ex's.

May you and your kitty have a safe and warm winter!


manofsticks t1_j1qzmen wrote

Fostering is a good lower-commitment option to see if a new type of pet is a good fit for you/your home.

If you've never had a cat before, another idea is to visit Kitty Korner in Barre and spend some time in the cat lounge. That way you can meet a bunch of different cats, see a variety of personalities, and get a sense of what cat would be the best fit for you; one that's extra cuddly, one that's extra playful, one that's a little more independent, more/less vocal, etc.


Sexcercise OP t1_j1qzrcf wrote

Oh sweet, that's a great idea, I'll check them out. Thank you!


0thell0perrell0 t1_j1r40z9 wrote

It can be tough. I'm alone but I do have my cats, which is a lot. It's pretty desolate out there. Good times ahead, do your best!


ButterscotchNo8953 t1_j1rd8wz wrote

Just wanted to send you some big love from a kindred spirit who has also been faking it hard! Tea, movies, bong, cookies etc. Keep doing kind things for yourself friend.


SithChefCourt t1_j1righl wrote

I feel ya, somehow this year hit a little harder. Love to you!


rhoditine t1_j1rl490 wrote

Thinking about you. Thanks for posting. Hugs to you.


the_mad_mycologist t1_j1s0pgd wrote

I'm sorry you're having a difficult time. The holidays hit different when youre feeling alone. Bongs, exercise, and some time outdoors will do wonders for ya :-) if you ever need anyone to lend an ear, feel free to reach out!


fluffy-flipflop t1_j1s616q wrote

Hey OP. I’m in sort of the same boat here. I walked out of a bad relationship this year and the last of my mostly estranged family passed away this year.

I find the small talk is the worst. I am dreading the office conversations tomorrow asking about my holiday. Truth be told I haven’t left the house since Thursday haven’t spoken to a single soul other than my doggos….but I’m grateful for them.

On the flip side, I’ve got a great job, a warm house and the means to live a comfortable albeit solitary existence. I don’t think anyone at the office knows that I’m alone all the time and I don’t fault them for asking - but it’s all I can do sometimes to grit my teeth and say “oh. I had a quiet weekend” or “yeah, I had a quiet holiday”. I know they mean well but it’s exhausting to put up a brave face all the time - especially to my staff.

No real words of wisdom OP. But maybe a word to those not in this situation to be cognizant that not everyone has family or close friends to spend holidays with and maybe if you keep hearing about my “quiet” weekends that I really don’t want to talk about it and maybe it’d be best to not keep asking.


Sexcercise OP t1_j21urq6 wrote

Holy shit has it been annoying being asked a million times a day how my Christmas was


Affectionate-Yam-166 t1_j1t2ath wrote

Read some of the holiday posts in the “am I the asshole” sub. As someone said above, socials are totally filtered and curated to make us green with envy. The AITA has some doozies that will make you miss family less!


Consistent-Raccoon42 t1_j1rfprr wrote

My advice is bias, but hit the gym. Physical activity boosts your mood and immune system!


Sexcercise OP t1_j1rfxhy wrote

Lol your advice is the given, the already known answer. Come be my trainer and then maybe the story will be different!


Smirkly t1_j1ryek3 wrote

On the flip side, I am with two adult sons. I became quite ill and the next day one son had the same whatever. Nasty bug but I tested neg for covid. Not sharing that bong means good health?


suzi-r t1_j1smv1e wrote

Consider creating a “family” or tribe of your own! I have a group of art buds. A friend of mine has a “coven” of antique dealers. Another entertains her hiking group during these otherwise lonely winter holiday weekends. All it takes is one or two others. Decide on a safe way to get together. Divide the chores, find some way to share fun—a creative challenge, a story to bring & share with the group, a game. Keep the event brief but plan for the next time you get together—think of Epiphany, the original Jan. 6. If you have a good time, your group will probably grow. Give this done thought. Feeling sad/depressed us a waste of your sweet life. Pick one potential friend, maybe two, stay positive-minded, and have fun! Or at least a quiet good time. Merikus is right. Lots of folks convince themselves it was wonderful when truth us, it was only some of the time, or only for some of those involved. Hope you’ll stay determined to make life better for yourself (and a new friend or two.) Good wishes to you for a fine new year…all of it.


Sexcercise OP t1_j1v2ejq wrote

I would love to create my own little coven of stoner chicks, that'd be awesome

Have a great new year!


negative-nelly t1_j1stemx wrote

no advice, just trying to say I feel you, so to speak, to some degree anyway not knowing your situation. the way I look at it, every day I wake up, no matter how shitty, is a day I'm not dead. Dead people miss out on a lot. Dead people never have fun. Dead people make other people sad.


negative-nelly t1_j1stlij wrote

Also, the more people brag about gifts or whatever, the more likely it is that they are pushing down some kind of pain. So don't think they are in a better spot than you just cause they had people over or got a new Lexus or something. much like instagram, etc.


Jerry_Williams69 t1_j1t8o4w wrote

On the flip side, it's awesome that you have had family gatherings and such that you miss now. I think it was Bob Marley who said "don't be sad it's over, be happy it happened.". Hold on to the good times and looks for new holiday experiences in the future.

I've seen a lot of folks mention volunteering for community events and dinners in the area. Maybe chasing down one of those breadcrumb trails might be worthwhile? Probably would meet a lot of interesting people in a similar situation. Don't have to volunteer. Could figure out what people are volunteering for and then show up to those events.


Sexcercise OP t1_j1v2a6h wrote

I should just get back into volunteering, heck, I only did it in HS because it was required to graduate but I did enjoy it to a degree.


deadowl t1_j1th3nk wrote

I hereby grant you big cyber hugs in which you feel them lifting your spirit from this stranger who's responding to you on the internet. Take good care!


Hellrazor32 t1_j1u96rm wrote

Ohhh, buddy, have I ever been exactly where you are! I had a stretch of many years of spending Christmas alone.

Here’s what I thought about: Not everyone celebrates Christmas. There are tons of Jews, Quakers, Jehova Witnesses, Muslims, Seventh Day Adventists and many more. For them it’s just a day to either go to work like usual or just hang out at home. Especially since Christmas was on Sunday this year it’s kinda just another weekend.


Sexcercise OP t1_j1unpc4 wrote

It more or less was another Sunday but with just a side of holiday blues.


BohdiOfValhalla t1_j1uji5r wrote

I hope things get better for you. No advice or anything, just well wishes for you.


Sexcercise OP t1_j1v1izv wrote

Thank you, much appreciated! I wish your anti indoor sentiment was contagious.


MalachyteEye t1_j2b9ahl wrote

I know this post is a few days old, but I just want to say that I feel you. It's a tough time of year when everyone is celebrating their privileges out loud and you want to be happy for them, but it kinda hurts to hear, too. I hope next year, you have some people to spend it with. If you don't, post here again, maybe a week beforehand, and I'm sure someone here would be happy to help.


CHECK_FLOKI t1_j1r1a88 wrote

Sorry to hear this.

How do you hope to change this next year?

Are you making an effort to make new friends and connect with old ones? Reconnecting with family? Finding a significant other?


Sexcercise OP t1_j1r1rok wrote

Well, next year is going to be the last of my 20s so I'm hoping it'll be fun, it's ultimately what I make of it. I need to go to the gym, I want to rebuild my savings, prepare to move out of this state. Possibly visit my sister overseas.

Ultimately, I just want to love myself and be happy with what I look at in the mirror.


CHECK_FLOKI t1_j1r7gb8 wrote

Absolutely! Can't love someone else if you don't love yourself first!

2023 will be a better year.


pondusedtobeupthere t1_j1s8a3g wrote

Maybe visualising your trip, write a timeline down for a few things might help you focus forward? Fostering is a wonderful idea as well.


joeydokes t1_j1r6640 wrote

You have an odd handle, regardless, it's just another day in the loop to trudge through. In addition to what all the other commenters said, and providing you have a ride, you always had the option of volunteering somewhere if you really needed some company. Despite it being the company of strangers and not family, for some it's better than nothing.


Sexcercise OP t1_j1r6mgs wrote

Absolutely, I contemplated volunteering too but decided not to follow through. Volunteering probably would've given me some temporary reprieve from the holiday blues

And thank you, I cherish my username.


RandolphCarter15 t1_j1rwn17 wrote

I know this rubs some the wrong way, but finding a good faith community helps. Progressive churches especially welcome anyone, and give structure to otherwise open time. They helped me a lot with i was single and friendless in a new city