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TrumpImpeachedAugust t1_j28ptjo wrote

5 cents per can when the redemption act was passed in 1972 would be 36 cents today. Source. (Good god, it was 34 cents when I checked this stat nine months ago.)

Could you imagine redeeming two 12-packs worth of empties and having enough money to get yourself a small lunch? That's what it was like when the act was passed.

This kind of stuff needs to be indexed to inflation. It pains me that it never is. How hard would it be to add a clause to the bill stating that the redemption values printed on cans shall increase each year (or every 5 years, or whatever) at the rate of inflation over the same time frame, rounded down (or up) to the nearest cent.

It would be so easy. Just raise the redemption price and include an inflation-indexing clause and this would be future-proofed.


TheTowerBard t1_j2994t4 wrote

Might help with litter too. Growing up in the 80s in VT, we were constantly collecting cans around town, from river banks, etc, to cash in so we could buy comics and candy at the locally owned drug store.


Ciderinsider86 t1_j28ta2b wrote

Unfortunately, this would have the effect of raising a twelve pack of seltzer, soda, or beer by the equivalent amount. Remember that the amount redeemed is prepaid at the time of purchase.


TrumpImpeachedAugust t1_j28tjwn wrote

Yes, and it had the same effect when the law was implemented in 1972. Unfortunately it wasn't indexed to inflation back then, but better late than never.


Loudergood t1_j29e97g wrote

As someone who drinks a few more cans than he should I'm not seeing the downside here.


[deleted] t1_j292e4c wrote



AKAManaging t1_j29bpnh wrote

As someone that takes their cans to the redemption center because it's been a routine for ages now, do people generally just put their redeemables out on the street to be picked up? Do they not get the redemption this way?


BrigAdmJaySantosCAP t1_j29ki2l wrote

I used to work with someone that would just recycle and not bother redeeming it. I can see this habit change, however, if it was 35 cents vs 5 cents.


WhatTheCluck802 t1_j2a4p1m wrote

It’s not worth my time to bring our cans in for the return. We put them in a separate can beside our recycling bin for our trash hauler, who takes the returnables in for himself.


Ambitious_Ask_1569 t1_j29v4mm wrote

Casella in VT has been doing zero sort recycling for ages around burlington. can.


GaleTheThird t1_j2e80c5 wrote

I don't have too many empties so I just throw them in the recycling


Websters_Dick t1_j2dlhtl wrote

You know, I like the index to inflation, but I think we should round it down to the nearest 10 cents. Keeps it from changing too often since a lot of these places are run manually and that would give people time to adjust. Just my 10 cents