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syphax t1_j00jbql wrote

Hmm. My house came with a ground-mount PV system (We currently have ~$1k in credits as we produce way more than we consume). It's ~150 feet from the house & all the meters. I don't know what the per foot cost was to lay that cable, all I know is that it works.

Are you asking if you could have a ground mount that feeds right into the GMP grid vs. going through your house, because there are utility wires a lot closer to the proposed array than your house is? I am not sure, but I think it's possible. Call them. They are super helpful.

>If you're a Green Mountain Power customer looking for information about interconnecting your own generation to the grid, you've come to the right place. After reviewing the resources outlined below, please contact our team directly at or call 802.770.3399 if you need further assistance.



VermontArmyBrat t1_j01k7vt wrote

Can’t you sell or give your credits to another person? I’m on vt electric coop. For several years I was generating more than needed and I applied my excess credits to my parents account. They allow you to apply credits to any account also served by the coop, could be your camp, second home, neighbor, etc.


syphax t1_j01tmh6 wrote

Yes- I’m in the process of doing that.


plitk t1_j1auufy wrote

Kind of. Vermont law basically says that the PUC sets the rate that your power company will credit you for on a per kwh basis.

Depending on the company, you can often "give" extra credits away, but the days of direct transfer are over (at least with gmp). Gmp uses a group system whereby the sum of meters in the group generate x power, and divide that total over percentage-assigned recipients who must also be a group member.

Creating a group is easy, but only credits generated by the group are eligible for group distribution.

And ofc you can only group / share credits with people on the same utility


ElDub73 OP t1_j00mi31 wrote

Yes. The poles and wires would be maybe 50-100 ft from the array and the array would be at least 500’ from the house and the ground is mostly untrenchable rock.


hudsoncider t1_j01fczg wrote

What company are you getting your ground array installed from?


syphax t1_j01i8iz wrote

I think it’s a definite maybe. Good luck!