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5teerPike t1_j29x8dd wrote

There are less than a million people in the whole state.


October7_7 t1_j2a2q9n wrote

10/10 reading comprehension


5teerPike t1_j2a342q wrote

It's the second least populated state in the country, and Vermont is a part of the US, so I don't really see the problem with more people coming here when the state is desperate for young families to the point that theyre paying people to move here lol

You could ask me to clarify if you don't understand what I mean! Kindness is free!


October7_7 t1_j2a3rd2 wrote

That doesn't change the current shortages of housing stock availability and quality, or rental vacancy. Population is a different statistic there bud.

You could ask me to clarify if you don't understand what I mean! Talking down to people is free!

Edit: Coward blocked me, can't stand the heat get off the subreddit.


5teerPike t1_j2a42cs wrote

And you're taking advantage of the special on that today it seems!

There's demand, which should encourage supply. The nimbys who don't want development are the problem, not Americans who want to live in a different American state.

I hope Vermont stays taken from you :)
