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ty88 t1_j07y3jh wrote

Also, if you're generally healthy & don't need much in the way of meds, consider going with a silver plan. You'd pay higher deductibles if you need serious care, but save a bundle on premiums if not. You'll still get a chance to change plans at the end of each year if you develop some ongoing need where gold makes sense.


Suspicious-Chance322 OP t1_j0832mc wrote

Yeah I think that’s what I’ll need to do. I’m going with bronze. Thanks for the response!


ty88 t1_j09hrgj wrote

Yeah, I actually go with bronze, too. If you consider the difference in premiums over the course of a year, it's a huge savings if you just get an occasional check-up.

It's not like you get any less access to treatment... just that you have to cover more of it before insurance fully kicks in (you still get covid/flu vaccines & obv. preventative stuff free). We're still just talking single-digit or $10k-ish out-of-pocket, so keep some savings (HSA maybe) handy.

The folks suggesting a traditional IRA in addition to your 401k have a good point -- if you can save a bit more for retirement & deduct it from taxes, you can save even more on premiums. Though I think it "scales" rather than "cliffs". Good luck!