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Food_Library333 t1_j0gphs3 wrote

Maybe not epic but My wife is from out west in the desert. Her first year living here (maybe 2004?) On Thanksgiving we woke up to beautiful 70° day that turned into a violent thunderstorm that turned into a snow storm and dropped like 4 or 6 inches. She just looked at me wide eyed and said "Where the f*** did you take me?"


whaletacochamp t1_j0h8yik wrote

New employee of mine moved here from LA in January last year. The first week she was here we had a few days of negative temps and a huge dumping of snow. She called me crying from her driveway saying that she didn't know this would be so challenging, her car was stuck, she didn't have a shovel, she didn't even know snow tires were a thing until that very day. She was spiraling and basically finally just said "i don't know how you guys do it, this place is like hell, like a really fucking cold and slippery hell!"

I told her to please take the day, and that the next time she worked we would go over some advice for dealing with snow and cold.

I just went to check in with her about this storm and she is currently outside without a jacket trying to catch snowflakes. I think we won her over, guys.


thestateisgreen t1_j0l5pj7 wrote

This is so typical, and also hilarious. “Don’t like the weather? Wait 5 minutes!”