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Dull_Blacksmith_5007 t1_j1etcgg wrote

did i mention who i voted for? No, so you do not know. Btw youve never been to China (i have--lived there for years) or you'd know its not "communist:". I will say one thing--you magats are the scummiest scum on earth. Period. I have a strong hunch YOU are the one who is a child molester (you insinuate that since Biden likes having children on his lap that he is one). btw if i ever meet you in person ill drop you on your ass so fast your head will spin.


uniquinP t1_j1fjffi wrote

Wow, talk about ignorance. Fyi, I'm not MAGA and I don't think trump should run again, Mr. Smarty-pants. IDGAF who you voted for. From your response I can see you are filled with hate and just like the Democratic party, you want only more division. You strive for it. I want the people in our government to be the best person for the job in regards to OUR COUNTRY. I want our civil servants, to act as such. With the best interest of the AMERICAN PEOPLE. Even you, some keyboard warrior who wants to threaten people over the internet. In my opinion Biden has done nothing good for this country, NOTHING! So go shove your opinion where Biden can sniff it.