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RockLobsterCakes OP t1_j2c2l8s wrote

Medical assistant with some years of experience, going to go for my certification


kabfighter2 t1_j2c5ah1 wrote

Unless you've got $50,000+ of equity in a home you already own to put down 20% on a house (they are all going for $250,000+ now) you are going to have a very hard finding a place to live. Medical assistants are paid pretty poorly here (as are most healthcare professionals)...I'm an RN and I would legitimately not be able to buy a house from square one (zero existing equity) even on year ten pay.


RockLobsterCakes OP t1_j2c66ff wrote

We do own our home here but this helps me greatly. I really appreciate you for the honesty.


Jerry_Williams69 t1_j2c66m5 wrote

There are some pretty awesome sign-in bonuses at UVMMC and you might qualify for a $7500 credit from the state.