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somedudevt t1_j2dl1oq wrote

The gun violence thing is interesting, especially given how for 230 years we had 0 gun control, then as soon as our brilliant leaders enacted laws violence spiked.

It’s also interesting that if you look at the demographics of those committing the gun violence almost all of them are not from vermont. Our influx of migration is unfortunately bringing an influx of drugs and crime. Much of it is in populations who are underserved (esl, refugee, etc). In Burlington all but one murder this year was committed by a person born outside the state. While our population on a whole is ~95% white every murder in Burlington this year was committed by a POC and almost all the victims were also POC. It’s honestly sad, because it really shows how segregated our interactions are here.

We pretend to be such an open state, and yet we seem to have totally abandoned segments of our communities, which is what allows this crime to occur. As long as we allow young people to fall into life’s of crime due to poverty and educational factors, and as long as we fail to help those with addiction problems, we will see these crimes rise, and we will see the disparity in prison population makeup vs general population makeup.


Unusual-Form-77 t1_j2dntu8 wrote

It's drugs, mental health, guns, and our weak legal system. Our (former?) commissioner of Public Safety, Mike Sherling said as much. He also said that offenders have told law enforcement that they come specifically to Vermont to do their drug trade because our legal system is less robust than our New England neighbors. With drugs, comes crime. We also have a lot of suicide.


No-Ganache7168 t1_j2fg6at wrote

Of course they do. Then they turn out young people into addicts who turn to crime to feed their habits and end up in low-barrier shelters where there are few recourses to help them to get sober and no incentive to stop using or stealing. It’s a systemic failure


Wade904 t1_j2eoxw8 wrote

Laws are the reason for gun violence 🤦‍♂️