Submitted by Professor_Hexx t3_zpwnib in vermont

My job let me go last week (with severance) as the work they were going to have me on was delayed a few months. I fully expect never to hear from them again and have been applying for other work. Today I tried to file for unemployment and notice that the online new claim form is gone and you have to call in. The number read me the entire web page worth of information (5+ minutes of reading) with no way to skip, then after that told me my wait time was going to be several hours.

So, it's really clear that they are playing the "insurance" game where they are going to make it as difficult as possible because they don't want to pay out. Last time I filed a claim in 2021 they "lost" my claim for 6 weeks and then after I helped them "find" it they just denied it anyway.

What is even the point? They should just mark the bridges in the state for living capacity underneath so we know where there is room to huddle under when it's time.

Edit: I called and because I have severance I was told that I need to go through adjudication and they are so far behind on adjudication that I'm probably not going to get any money for quite some time.



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SoFillToMe t1_j0uz1md wrote

It's not just Vermont. This is why our idiotic country claims such low "unemployment rates" all the time. Those of us who get denied or are long term unemployed don't count. It's also why so many of us are going or have gone freelance.

I honestly wish you luck.


aoeirl t1_j0v0gzw wrote

I went through this about three months ago. I called on a Monday and was told 45mins but in reality it was about 5mins. There were some bumps along the way - my out of state bank and phone number caused some fraud flags - but I did get money flowing eventually. The person doing intake was honestly great and made the tedious initial claim form as painless as was reasonably possible. The website sucks and the system is terrible but IMO still worth trudging through the steps.


DreadpirateFdouglass t1_j0v660n wrote

Bruh I just called last week and it took me like 25 mins u should b good


Ikaldepan t1_j0v7whp wrote

Was laid off last June and started the process immediately..fill out forms, answered emails, phone calls, more call, confirmation, adjudication, and in maybe 2 to 3 weeks time I finally receiving unemployment. All good. Yes you have to send resumes, fill out form, but things working okay. Clunky, confusing in the beginning but eventually Vermont State delivered to me until I found a job 3 weeks ago.


[deleted] t1_j0vbga7 wrote



Professor_Hexx OP t1_j0ve2zq wrote

Nah, the worst case is they drag me along for 6+ weeks with me documenting my applications and then they finally deny me. Like last time.


thisoneisnotasbad t1_j0vz2fe wrote

If you want it you need to file. If you never file they can’t adjudicate your claim. Yeah, the wait times are long today as the granite sheds just did their layoffs. Try calling on a wed afternoon or something and you may have better luck.


Kvltadelic t1_j0woin1 wrote

It definitely is worth it, just be prepared to be on hold for a few hours.


Internal-Fudge8578 t1_j0x489x wrote

I’m going through the same exact thing right now but I didn’t even get severance I’m in adjudication because they paid out my remaining PTO hours, which they’re legally required to do so idk why that should be an issue. The last time I was on unemployment it took 2 months to get paid, I’m expecting it to be worse this time.


Professor_Hexx OP t1_j14t763 wrote

It's crazy, I realize the whole point to the unemployment insurance thing is to pretend to have something available to help people or something but maybe they could, you know, try to get their heads out of their asses. Your experience really showcases this because like you said you are being "punished" due to your employer following the law. My severance works out to 2.5 weeks pay + $500 (pay through the end of the year + $500 bonus) so yay I'm not totally broke but it's not like I've just gotten 6 months pay or something.

I'm pretty sure the entire point to our country is to try to "delete" as many normal people as possible so the rich fucks like Musk and Bezos can extract just a few more dollars.