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kittybellyfulloflies t1_j0vhi5a wrote

My main gripe is people who don't leash their dogs while on public trails. I have no idea how well trained your dog is, and each encounter depends on me trusting that the person has trained their dog well enough to listen by command. I'd say a good 80% are not trained on voice command. I don't fucking care if your dog is friendly or not, I don't want it jumping on me and making me uncomfortable in a public space. I've had enough bad run ins with dogs where I'm too uncomfortable to use our local trail as the locals don't care enough to respect the leash laws nearby. Very frustrating.


texmarie t1_j0wf7qa wrote

Unleashed dogs can be a problem even if they are super trained. I have a dog that needs lots of exercise, but he’s very reactive toward other dogs. I find myself stuck on what to do with him sometimes because I can’t trust that we won’t end up crossing paths with an unleashed dog on the trails near our house, and he could end up attacking the other dog when it comes up to “say hi”.


Left-Link5070 t1_j0zammx wrote

Fuck them and their “but she is special” dog. Your dog is not special to me, nor anyone else for that matter.


JerryKook t1_j10lp2d wrote

A friend of mine trains German Shepards. His dogs are extremely well trained. He hates off leash dogs. It drives him crazy a stranger comes along with an unleashed dog and yells don't worry he is friendly. He immediately replies back "well my dog definitely is not friendly". He uses the "not friendly" vests. Still there are those that cross the street wanting to pet his dog.

He does take his dog on walks in crowded areas to work on the dog ignoring distractions. It's amazing how his dog will just watch him for the next command.


giraffes456 t1_j0wvsq0 wrote

There are certain trails I avoid because of frequent negative experiences with unleashed dogs running up out of nowhere barking at me and my kid, no owner in site. I’ve had a couple act irritated for announcing that their growling barking dog is scaring me and asking them to leash it.