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whaletacochamp t1_j0vltil wrote

I love dogs. I hate shitty dog owners. I hate dog owners that unnecessarily anthropomorphize their dogs. I hate when people let dogs interfere with hunting and fishing.

But, this post is fucking stupid….

I'll take my dog where I want, when I want TYVM. But my dog is also well trained and well behaved, and I am a good enough owner (and thoughtful enough human) to not take him places where I know he won't do well or I know it's an imposition on others.

I thought all of the dog posts were a bit silly but now I very well may post my own!


pv_punisher OP t1_j0x3ja5 wrote

Bring it anywhere its allowed, but make sure it's leashed if required.


somedudevt t1_j0xlsyh wrote

It’s funny, because I’ve yet to meet a dog owner who says they have a bad/misbehaved dog, or an owner who admits to being a bad one. So what I don’t want is to interact with your dog unless I am trying to do so.


whaletacochamp t1_j0yynw3 wrote

My dog is well behaved like 75% of the time, and since I have him under control 100% of the time you would never interact with him unless you wanted.


somedudevt t1_j12caz1 wrote

Depends how we define interact. If I’m walking down a sidewalk, and you and your dog are walking the other way, and I have to adjust my path to avoid your barking dog on its leash, that is me interacting. If we are both in a park, and your dog is parking and jumping at the end of the leash like it’s trying to get away from the leash to come say hi to me, that takes my attention as I have to consider can you hold the dog (many dog owners can’t and the dog and leash go running) so that in my book is interacting, even if you have control, when a dog is going nuts a stranger has no idea you have control.


BackgroundCat t1_j0wd1qt wrote

How do you feel about non-service dogs in stores or restaurants? This seems to be on the increase. Or dogs at outdoor events like parades or flea markets? Not trying to pick a fight, just generally interested in others’ points of view. Personally, I haven’t yet seen a dog who was wildly interested in traipsing through Home Depot, but I may have just picked an off day 😉


whaletacochamp t1_j0wjt6r wrote

IMO it’s all about the dog and the owner. I know someone with a gigantic malamute who I am confident enough in that I’d send them to the White House with it. At the same time I know people with pugs who I wouldn’t trust in an empty field.

That being said, anyone who relies on the presence of a poorly trained dog for their well being is delusional and detracting from actual service dogs while putting a bandaid on their actual condition. If you need a poorly trained and poorly kept chihuahua in your shopping cart in order to navigate hannaford you need more help than your chihuahua can provide.