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accepteverything t1_j13i0ca wrote

Well, Richford is not really in the Northeast Kibgdom. It's on the Canadian border in Franklin County. It's pretty close, 30-40 minutes, to St Albans where there is a hospital, shopping, a movie theater, etc. It is definitely not entirely isolated. I was there recently and it's pretty rundown. It's been economically disadvantaged for a while. Don't trust cell company or national broadband maps. I'd call the town office to see if there really is service where you are planning to move to.


alwaysmilesdeep t1_j13jvc6 wrote

I moved to nek from nh. I have lived all over new England and central vermont as well. If you can make $ the kingdom is where its at. Are people a little cold to outsiders...can be...but when they learn you are sincere about living here....they come around. I live more on the eastern side of the kingdom...


HandCarvedRabbits t1_j13x22i wrote

I live near Richford. You can find some beautiful properties in that town for pennies. I would say that this area is solidly red. Trump flags are everywhere. However in true Vermont fashion, they will probably pull you out of the ditch with their unnecessarily large truck if you get stuck. That being said, Montgomery is pretty liberal and Enosburg is very nice and pretty mixed in it’s politics. If you want more info on the area DM me.


Unique-Public-8594 t1_j13g6g2 wrote

My experience is that people in Vermont are very nice, kind, and welcoming. I’ve lived in 7 states, this has been the friendliest, by far. Some neighbors have no interest in friendship but will help you anytime. I get what you are saying though, sometimes what I would call the hippie culture is a bit overwhelming.

NEK stands out as having particularly beautiful scenery: Craftsbury, Willoughby, and Caspian in particular. I had to look up Richford. Hadn’t heard of it. I see it’s on the western/northern edge of NEK so a long way from those parts. Your flight options out of Montreal would be excellent though.

The more rural you get in Vermont, the more problematic it is to get medical care, cell service, and internet - and typically the further you have to drive for shopping - but people do find ways to make it all work.

If you look at a map of how people voted in each county in the 2020 election, it will show some republican areas in the NEK. My own guess is that you will find the Trumpers in the NEK just as disconcerting as you found the far left in Brattleboro. I wouldn’t say the NEK is more liberal/moderate, I’d say they have more people at both extremes.

So, if you are up for the medical, cell service, and internet challenges, and want what many consider to be the prettiest part of Vermont, and comfortable with MAGA signs, I’d say moving there makes sense.

If you want to move to find a more moderate/liberal area and the medical, cell, and internet challenges would annoy you, I’d consider other options.

For me, being within a reasonably short drive to a ski resort, waterfall, mountain hike, state park, and lake make all the challenges worthwhile.

Good luck, I hope this was accurate assessment and helpful.


BudsKind802 t1_j13zlgi wrote

The challenge is not only finding a good house/good town, but also making sure there's solid internet access, unless you're OK with Starlink, as well as cell coverage.

Echoing another poster, if you were considering Richford, Bakersfield and Enosburg are nice rural communities nearby with some resources, although you'll still need to drive for a full grocery shopping trip. Richford is....ok, but there are much better options nearby. If you're coming from Bratt and like the "city" experience, St Albans is nice, and plenty of shops and services right in town, plus less than an hour into Burlington.


bigtimesauce t1_j153t4e wrote

Richford is an abject shithole, literally has its own state police task force.


SoftwareNo7856 t1_j141xgj wrote

What is it about Mainers? (Never been)


realmadrid111 t1_j14d7n9 wrote

Not sure if this is the reason, but Maine is waaaaay more right leaning that Vermont as a whole. Look up former (and quite possibly future) Gov Paul LePage.


Odd-Mountain3076 t1_j14wssk wrote

Maine is OK if you are in the right areas like brunswick, Portland, Orono, Midcoast or MDI, but they are very insular and dislike people from away, flatlanders. They like the tourist dollars, but not people from away. If you move into a town, better keep your head down, pay the high taxes, and live isolated if you is hell. If you try to get involved with town govt, or anything that appears like you are trying to change things you get enemy's. I actually had a mailbox and fence ripped down in front of my house when I complained once about needing to plow better. I learned then, never to bother.

I'm currently fighting an employer from a year ago in northern maine who lied to the dept of labor saying I quit. I worked for him 5 weeks as a seasonal passion job and my last day was 1 week prior to the end of the season. I got a CDL in VT and was planning on working for him again this summer. He lied again and said my VT license was not valid in ME. Needless to say he screwed my unemployment and now have to pay back $2000 to the lovely state of Maine.

This is one story of many I can tell. You want a hard life....try to make a living in Maine. VT might have high cost of living and few jobs, but at least the people are decent, the environment is pretty and the food is good.


bobsizzle t1_j15mw59 wrote

Why would you work 5 weeks in a job you know is temporary and try to collect unemployment? Whether it's legal or not, that feels pretty scammy. Unemployment should be for people who have jobs and are laid off without fault or expectation. You know the job is ending and Is only temporary. I don't think you're entitled to anything. There are plenty of full time Jobs out there.


Odd-Mountain3076 t1_j1624zm wrote

Um....It was a job I worked for a year ago. I worked the last 8 months for a different employer that was seasonal and ended and have a job lined up for the end of January. Apparently you don't understand how unemployment insurance works.


drew13m t1_j14fi9t wrote

Last sentence REEKS of piece of shit rich person who thinks they’re subtle and suave with it. No, vermont does not need another rich pompous family. You are not a “target” lol. you probably just fucken suck, if feeling targeted is your experience as privileged people.


friedmpa t1_j14iuhg wrote

Always the manager and works remotely crowd that thinks they’re a target lmao


drew13m t1_j14fb8u wrote

Jesus christ
