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Most_Expert_8080 t1_j14rybt wrote

Is your medical condition "can't stop from complaining on the internet about the most minor inconvenience"


R50cent t1_j14seed wrote

No my medical condition is "pointing out the irony in other people complaining about someone's complaining"

Oh god its happening again...


Most_Expert_8080 t1_j14wm2h wrote

Irony isn't when somebody calls out a spoonie stoner's complaining


R50cent t1_j14wr04 wrote

No it's when you sit here complaining as much as the people you are trying to criticize. Sorry if that's confusing for you.


Most_Expert_8080 t1_j14yhqs wrote

You're getting hysterical, i think you should sit down and relax. Maybe take an edible.


R50cent t1_j14yy2y wrote

I'm sorry you can't handle being called the hypocrite that you are in fact being. Maybe... stop being such a hypocrite, and honestly dude just leave me alone, I didn't ask to be harassed by you today.


Most_Expert_8080 t1_j151eb5 wrote

Please stop replying to my every post. You are being very confrontational. I forgive you though as I assume you are under the influence of drugs presently.


catcatcat888 t1_j15n4p9 wrote

It’s not really a minor inconvenience. As someone who regularly doses hundreds of milligrams of THC recreationally - eating that many gummies isn’t really practical.