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R50cent t1_j14iyaw wrote


Imagine what they would have looked like if the state hadn't made edibles capped at 5mg like a bunch of fucking idiots.


MeowWhat t1_j14oiuw wrote

I make my own with avb that are around 80mg but I would really like to be able to stroll to the store and buy some decently dosed ones. Also what they're charging at ceres for 1g carts is 15$ less than I paid for 3 coming from out of state. I would really like to support local businesses but things gotta change first.


whaletacochamp t1_j14rt3m wrote

That’s that 92% wholesale vape tax for you. And FWIW ceres is actually cheaper than the others that have carts that I’ve seen. I think GSG has only one strain and it’s a 0.5G cart for $60. Ceres is 1g for $75


MeowWhat t1_j14tvdp wrote

The whole over taxing of vapes is incredibly dumb. I did see that cart on the gsg website. I would have to have absolutely 0 tolerance and only use it once a week to justify that cost. I'll stick with my 30$ ones from out of state until things get better here.


polarbearrape t1_j157xax wrote

The other huge pain is that bill also made it impossible to order rolling papers... I'm handicapped and can't roll so I used to buy big packs of cones and use raws "six shooter". Its just not an option anymore. Websites literally won't let me ship it to Vermont.


Team_Flight_Club t1_j15rbn5 wrote

I think you are able to get products shipped to retailers and then pick up from retailer. I had to do this with a PuffCo vape product. It’s apparently so the state knows that underage persons are not buying this stuff.


polarbearrape t1_j16dkfw wrote

I can, but it then gets hit with the vape tax as far as I know and doubles in price. Cones are already expensive enough for a pack of paper...


Emillyann t1_j18ts3d wrote

that has changed, puffco will ship to vermont addresses now


MeowWhat t1_j162bvu wrote

I looked at Amazon for what you want and there's nothing about not shipping to vt. Also all the head shops here carry them.


polarbearrape t1_j16de6b wrote

As soon as I try to order it says they won't ship to vt


MeowWhat t1_j16eayr wrote

From amazon?


polarbearrape t1_j16fmvj wrote



MeowWhat t1_j16k3z1 wrote

I want to try but I mostly use a dry herb vape these days. If they had a cheap option I would take a stab at it just to see.


whaletacochamp t1_j14u0xs wrote

Where do you go to get them? Living up in the northwest corner of the state it’s hard to justify going to MA


MeowWhat t1_j14ukom wrote

Someone I knew went to mass I think and bought them in bulk. I paid 35$ for the first one then later 3 for 90$.


foodfood321 t1_j169pqu wrote

There is a "Get Yours" in Johnson Vermont, same group of stress used to be called "Good stuff". They are cheesey headshops with sex toys and Chinese glass but, it's a head shop. They have papers and vapes and stuff


whaletacochamp t1_j16nenk wrote

But they’re not a dispensary so they aren’t selling THC cartridges


foodfood321 t1_j16oxpi wrote

Pretty sure I replied to the wrong comment, pardon. I thought I was helping someone find a good source for papers.


fakebeerrealweed t1_j14pcs3 wrote

These things are laughable vs. making your own from locally made sauce. Even Natures Way is like half the price for way better quality.


whaletacochamp t1_j14ry3d wrote

Can you get natures way shipped here?


fakebeerrealweed t1_j14u424 wrote

Yes, and that means EVERYTHING in their catalog. Don't forget your coupon code!


whaletacochamp t1_j14ucu6 wrote

Neat. And they’re reputable? Some of their stuff looks gimmicky af


MeowWhat t1_j1551ng wrote

I'd like an answer to this as well. Their site has some neat stuff and some stuff that looks ridiculous


BudsKind802 OP t1_j159srk wrote

I'll find out. If I don't report back in a week, you'll know it's a Fed front

EDIT: I had to take a picture of my license and another with me holding up my license. A little weird for verifying the age of their customers.

I also was able to pay for it using a credit card. Usually cannabis businesses cannot take credit cards due to Federal prohibition. That's what makes me nervous but 10 minutes in and the Feds haven't come knocking yet. At least if it's a scam I can get my money back.

The sketchiest part so far is that their customer service uses some gmail address.

EDIT 2: My card was charged by packaginggod[dot]com, which looks like they sell containers for cannabis. I don't see how the companies are related.


Real-Pierre-Delecto2 t1_j15e51q wrote

I would be kinda leary of this place. Not a single item on sale has potency listed it's like nothing is tested at all. Not been to a disp in years but when I did everything was labeled fully.


BudsKind802 OP t1_j15g71r wrote

Most of the edibles I picked up listed potency for the whole package.

I noticed not just the lack of labeling but also some really big inconsistencies with their descriptions for the products. Some had something that was ripped from another review site, but most have no descriptions at all.


whaletacochamp t1_j14vadc wrote

Also how does a 1ml cartridge compare to 1g? Weird to have different units of measure.

To keep, 1g means that the cart has 1g of concentrate in it. The volume is kind of arbitrary as the amount of concentrate is what matters. But by saying 1ml what does that really mean? There’s 1ml of liquid but how much of that is concentrate?


Eynaar t1_j16u8cl wrote

9th State has 1 gram vapes for 66 dollars out the door (tax included), not as good as street prices but much better than anywhere I’ve seen.


MeowWhat t1_j170149 wrote

That has to be a very small market given where it is


Eynaar t1_j18aekx wrote

You’d be surprised, that place isn’t doing Burlington business but it’s booming. That’s alright, it’ll be my little secret. 😉


whaletacochamp t1_j14rksx wrote

Or how much we could have made if we did this 10 or even 5 years ago. Or if we did it right instead of half assed with a handful of stores and a messed up licensing system.


polarbearrape t1_j1578oz wrote

Or waited years to do it... Imagine how much we could have taken in in taxes if we did it when Colorado did like the people of Vermont wanted...


Most_Expert_8080 t1_j14mfsy wrote

Yeah man its crazy like, i am incapable of eating more than one edible at a time.


R50cent t1_j14psgn wrote

I'm just one of those people with a medical condition that gives you an ultra high tolerance to edibles, and personally I would love a professionally made option that doesn't mean I have to crush an entire bag of x y or z for it to work for me, but given how it's regulated that's not gonna happen.

Like, smoking works fine, I would just love to be able to utilize the alternative now that it's legal, but given my condition I can smoke a little bit, or eat like 50 dollars worth of edibles... and friend, that fucking sucks, especially when you were excited that an alternative was coming to the market.... just uh... not for me apparently.


Most_Expert_8080 t1_j14rybt wrote

Is your medical condition "can't stop from complaining on the internet about the most minor inconvenience"


R50cent t1_j14seed wrote

No my medical condition is "pointing out the irony in other people complaining about someone's complaining"

Oh god its happening again...


Most_Expert_8080 t1_j14wm2h wrote

Irony isn't when somebody calls out a spoonie stoner's complaining


R50cent t1_j14wr04 wrote

No it's when you sit here complaining as much as the people you are trying to criticize. Sorry if that's confusing for you.


Most_Expert_8080 t1_j14yhqs wrote

You're getting hysterical, i think you should sit down and relax. Maybe take an edible.


R50cent t1_j14yy2y wrote

I'm sorry you can't handle being called the hypocrite that you are in fact being. Maybe... stop being such a hypocrite, and honestly dude just leave me alone, I didn't ask to be harassed by you today.


Most_Expert_8080 t1_j151eb5 wrote

Please stop replying to my every post. You are being very confrontational. I forgive you though as I assume you are under the influence of drugs presently.


catcatcat888 t1_j15n4p9 wrote

It’s not really a minor inconvenience. As someone who regularly doses hundreds of milligrams of THC recreationally - eating that many gummies isn’t really practical.


fakebeerrealweed t1_j14p5zt wrote

The price is stupid high compared to 50 miles south or even that lady on our FB pages.


Most_Expert_8080 t1_j14pqtd wrote

Yeah me too. I am not allowed to drive to Massachusetts now that weed got legalized here.


Johnny-Rico69 t1_j15gyfp wrote

That's literally the same thing as saying "why should you have a glass of wine or liquor when you can drink 5 bud lights instead." It's nonsensical.


Simon_Jester88 t1_j14p602 wrote

Is that like single pieces? Most of the chocolate bars in Mass are made up of multiple 5mg pieces that you break off.


seanbob t1_j15i5vq wrote

It’s like 5g per gummy, 10 per container


pkvh t1_j175xxs wrote

Can't you just take two?


Positive_Parsnip420 t1_j15uhoa wrote

Lol, 5mg? The fuck am I supposed to do with 5mg?

I like the 1,000 mg bars from Cali, but the 500 mg bars from ME will suffice in a pinch.


Smirkly t1_j164yek wrote

I went and found it to be more expensive, by far, than Maine or even Mass. It may improve as competition occurs but the equivalent of $580 an oz. rather unpleasantly surprising.


Vermontess t1_j14iebv wrote

Aaaand almost a 1/2 million in the states pocket


SilenceDoGood4 t1_j16nfxo wrote

Wayyyyyyyy more expensive than what my friends can offer. I would love to support legal sales but 60-80 an eighth after tax is a completely unreasonable and unrealistic price range


Piffle-2986 t1_j14xfnh wrote

With this new line of money, general income and sales taxes really should be lowered


bobsizzle t1_j15ljsd wrote

It's not going to amount to as much as you or the state thinks. They need to lower prices, lower taxes and sell more. I'm not buying anything for what they're charging. I'll grow my own and make whatever I want. More work but worth it for what it would cost to buy from shops


catcatcat888 t1_j15mlvk wrote

Not smelling jars is huge for me. Flora also puts boveda packs in their jars which isn’t something I enjoy. Joints are probably bottom bag nugs and stems (that’s likely not the case, but I don’t trust them regardless). Circling back to Preroll - not being oil dipped and kief rolled is extremely off putting. A single gram joint isn’t worth 20$ ever.

The whole thing leaves a bad taste in my mouth. Also, the weed I actually purchased (a single eighth on opening day) didn’t leave thinking ‘wow, this smells dank!’, the reaction was more ‘wow, is this moldy?’ And made me question their storage practices.

Grow your own. It’s cheaper and better.


lantonas t1_j16mve5 wrote

Local school budget is going up another 10%.

Ironically enough... $2.6 million


5teerPike t1_j153nwh wrote

The 5mg cap on edibles is pretty standard in MA, but there should be similar caps on worse substances like alcohol tbh

It's still entirely possible and legal to make your own though, I'm fine with that.

Edit: the vape tax is a squeeze, but that will even out eventually


edwardsamson t1_j163h6x wrote

Anyone know if prices/quality are more like MA or more like ME? I just figure since the state has been fucking idiots about this before it was even made legal that its probably going to be shitty like MA. ME and the shops out west actually can compete with street prices while offering better quality and even some insanely high quality stuff that is more expensive but actually worth the price increase. Also in some cases they can beat street prices with sales/clearance deals or just from buying "shake" in bulk. I got an ounce of shake in Denver for $80 and it was more than just shake, had little berry-like nugs. Lasted me months.

In MA you're paying significantly more than street prices for quality that isn't necessarily great (when compared to dispensaries in good states like ME, CO, WA, OR, NV). I mean I haven't been to an MA shop in about 2 years but back then it was just an awful experience compared to the ones I've been to in CO, OR, and NV.


Several-Belt-6275 t1_j16cop2 wrote

Honestly, VT quality and pricing is worse than MA. We won’t be at Maine’s level for many more years. They have their shit dialed in there!


edwardsamson t1_j16hhil wrote

Bruh. We are so fucking stupid. So let me get this straight lol...they legalize weed without legalizing the sale of it over 4 years ago. And at the same time they allowed you to legally grow a SHITLOAD of weed, like way more than personal consumption AND track it by members of the household so a house with more people can grow even more weed. And then these people growing it start selling it themselves to their friends and family because they have so much of it. So now we have 4 years of well-established local growers and a well-established street market and they offer us dispensaries that can't even compete with the well-established local growers/sellers. LOL just so fucking stupid. My guy even lowered his price when the shops opened, by a significant amount. Why the hell would anyone go to shops now? Its just gonna be tourists.


ArkeryStarkery t1_j1bzvjf wrote

So it's a new way to fleece tourists? Isn't that like 80% of our economy already tho


Macbookaroniandchez t1_j17a6jq wrote

fwiw the feds (for now) seem to have turned a blind eye to carrying across state lines. just flew back from NV to MA, and driving up to VT with a shitton of good green. TSA even basically says, "we don't care, but if you're an idiot and *then* we find it we'll screw you."

So basically, go out to Vegas, have a flutter at the craps table, buy some good green and don't check your bag. Or have a weapon in your carry on.


edwardsamson t1_j17bakh wrote

Its been like this a few years now. I remember when CO first went legal it was a huge deal at the airports. They had places to drop off extra weed at the entrances and TSA were definitely checking for it. I dunno when it changed but I personally found out sometime around 2019 and started flying with it since then and have had no problems, even up to half an ounce on me. And I've even flown to and from TN with it so its not just legal states.


BostonUH t1_j16uucm wrote

My experience so far is that VT is in between MA and ME in price and about equal to MA in quality (which is to say, not as good as Maine)


timberwolf0122 t1_j16ppy9 wrote

I’m digging being able to buy weed legally,


halfbakedblake t1_j15ekqk wrote

All these are overpriced to the point I'm surprised they made anything. 9 or 10 times the price and I have to go get it instead of having it delivered.


browsing_around t1_j1667ax wrote

As a Vermonter that moved to Colorado for their career. Well done Vermont. You now are seeing the benefits of a resource that anyone can provide. I understand there are many deep seeded(no pun intended) issues with legalization.


Live-Vermicelli-8771 t1_j183t27 wrote

Vermont's"sugar" and "tobacco" taxes are poor taxes guised as public health. Taxing those goods are literally principles this country was founded on 🤦

I'm sure the tax in dispensaries will only climb over time


raqnroll t1_j17cqfw wrote

What did MA make in it's first month? ME? $2.6m seems low...