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[deleted] t1_j1wy0en wrote

Except I don't have a problem with the inspections. Just the people the transplants that don't understand.


Mu5tBTru3Redd1t t1_j1wyge9 wrote

You have a problem with the “traffic” and “long lines” … there’s the border. I hear Canada has a lot of open space , and they will probably be much more welcoming then you.

Many states do inspections differently. Some don’t do them at all. It’s a legitimate question for someone to ask who is new to the area.

You being a total twat about it is unnecessary.


[deleted] t1_j1wzhm7 wrote

Why should I have to leave? I was here first and it was fine. All the newbies brought their shit with them. Look at violent crimes before covid vs now. Point stands. As does inspections, taxes, housing costs, etc. If people left, it would be fine, once again. The land to admire, full of ice cream and maple syrup.


Mu5tBTru3Redd1t t1_j1x0whs wrote

Let’s be real here…

  1. Unless you belong to a native tribe from this area….you were not here first, and have no rights to any of the stolen “land to admire”
  2. Being “here first” does not give you the authority to tell people to leave a place they just moved too. You do not own the state.
  3. Your statement that “violent crime rate is up in VT” is just false. I am assuming you live in Burlington, which in that case, you are correct , but only in Burlington and it has risen only slightly and honestly in line with the violent crime cyclical data. (1960 was a violent year in B)
  4. Looking at Burlington VT numbers, what was your stance on the number of Rapes doubling yearly in VT from 2017-2019? Did “outsiders” do that too?

Again, You can be proud of your state, advocate for your state, your culture and your passions … WITHOUT shitting on everyone else.


Real-Pierre-Delecto2 t1_j1z3j9i wrote

> and have no rights to any of the stolen “land to admire”

People like you can fuck right off. Do you own land use the roads or do anything here in VT? If so according to your retarded logic you must leave as it's "stolen land". Anyone who pushes this shit is a moron.


Mu5tBTru3Redd1t t1_j1zqhmo wrote

You are missing the point regarding the now deleted posters stance on “why should I leave I was here first” in reference to the same deleted poster telling OP to leave VT if they don’t like car inspections.


Real-Pierre-Delecto2 t1_j20nxp9 wrote

No I could care less about that fight with you two. It's the stolen land crap. Pretty clear about that.