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ceiffhikare t1_j189q32 wrote

For many of us they are an annoyance that we must tolerate in society. I get it, people love their furkids. .im the same way about cats. I'd find it annoying if there were a million cat pics flooding the sub too. Unlike dogs though cats dont generally get led along the same paths as people on leashes voiding their waste and invading the personal space of strangers.


HandCarvedRabbits t1_j18bsgp wrote

So birds then? Or perhaps the VT potbellied pig community can bring some joy to your blackened heart.


SarahDrish t1_j18dimd wrote

There's nothing black about his heart. In the U.S. the "dog craze" didn't begin until the latter part of the 20th century. Before that, except for those used for hunting and other purposes, dogs were treated like the vermin they are.
