As someone who used to ride the Vermonter home for the holidays back in college and was always fascinated by how few people took the train north of Springfield, I have to admit I chuckled at this:
"VTrans says the move will affect up to 50 holiday travelers."
It's called the VTTrans bus, runs twice a day and operated in partnership with Greyhound and Amtrak for the last 9 years. Goes all the way from Colchester Park & Ride to Albany (including the Greyhound bus terminal and Rensselaer Amtrak station).
Yeah this storm is gonna be bad. Gmp just called all their rural customers and was like "we tripled our field crews but if this is as bad as forcasted expect power to be out for a few days"
willsabelcourtney t1_j1ajwxz wrote
As someone who used to ride the Vermonter home for the holidays back in college and was always fascinated by how few people took the train north of Springfield, I have to admit I chuckled at this:
"VTrans says the move will affect up to 50 holiday travelers."